I prefer to play ranged weapon using classes, and ranged weapons are inherent to hunters. Plus, my dwarf will be weilding a bow, so I will be somewhat more unique than most dwarven hunters (I'm sure there will be some, but the majority will be usin…
For RP purposes I stick with the same name usually. Same name as I use here. If I come up with a good idea for a background to a character, I may use other names I come up with to suit them.
I think Starcraft should stay a RTS game. With the Warcraft series switching to MMO, Blizzard only has one RTS series left, and that's Starcraft. I think they could mold a better story and continue to innovate in the RTS genre with Starcraft and I…
I'm going to have to resubscribe, it looks like. Been looking forward to Crafting 2.0 since I quit last August. Lack of soloable crafting is what made me quit in the first place, since I wasn't much for grinding or soloing.