I love all the fanboys coming out and getting angry about the review. (you know who you are)
MMORPG was extremly nice on giving this game a 6. Want to know what the upside to having a North American server is? The fact that it's open season for ev…
That joke sucked and you actually laughed..want humor look a post below you
I'd do EBay quickly, the window is closing fast.
No one will buy an account for unplugged servers.
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Vincenz sounds like some 16 year old armchair lawyer that thinks he knows the Law. You know squat. SOE knows they broke the law and so did the other 300,000 people that wanted refunds. (300k subs lost so thats where im getting these numbers from).Th…
Funny how someone speaks there mind about a subject that doesnt agree with em....they must be making new accounts. I've been reading this website before your introduction of 2005. Its a forum, people debate and share there thoughts. If you cant hand…
Originally posted by GGordon27
Originally posted by seabass2003
e page.
Time for an update!!
06.25.07 by Rusty
First of all, the Contract is signed. A joint press release will be going out tomorrow morning, but it’s important to all of us h…
Ah..another sony picked up game.. Sony needs to jump ship and stop buying games. Sorry smedly...we just dont like you and your company. Btw this game has an audience. I just dont see how its going to pull it off with sony behind the helm.