I'll side with this being an overall good change for the game.
As with most official decisions made by the design team of any MMO, there are positives and negatives. Expecting a decision that pleases every single member of a 9 million person commu…
Originally posted by cupertino
Blizzard - damned if you do damned if you dont.
Haters bang on about blizzard not listening to thier players when developing content.. then Blizzard set up a program to get ideas from their most active community mem…
@ elvenangel
Good point that the issues of guild support versus multiplayer support are two different topics. I admit I tend to lump them together in my own mind. I guess the main reason I do so is because of my experience with pick-up groups. The…
I can understand the focus on guilds, though I personally am not a member of a large guild.
From a development perspective, Guild-centric and other multi-player additions just make more sense than focusing on solo content. For example, lets say Bl…