OH,thanks lyeos i wanted to get a Mannequin and i didn't see in any site hwere it has a guide to get one, thabks again
"masters of all shadows, king of the underworld, all the dark
'Summoner of final fantasy
i think the best job is the swordman because you get to higher lvs fast and have lots of hp, attack,ASPD and defense so it is the best for tanking and dor the war of the emperium in the front line
"masters of all shadows, king of the underworld,…
i choose NIGHT ELF ROGUE because they ROGUES the most powerful in magic an power in this gameand i shall be the most powerfull of all the othersHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
"masters of all shadows, king of the underworld, all the dark