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  • For some reason it reminds of Fable2, I'll register.
  • I just tell people who defend parodies of genres and good games this. "Ya know, drugs are bad for you." I'm looking at you WorldOfWarCrack.
  • My problem here was when I quit EQ2 for the first time. Every other year I go through the painful 26hour patch/install too find noone there, even though it's still so fun. I keep quitting to try a new f2p or a really big pay2play only to find it bei…
  • I Know it's a good buisness decision to add lots of end-game content, but I personaly, for most games can't stand to get to even level 20 if all to do is repetive quests and grinding to get to end-game just to do some less repetive grinding and ques…
  • For me, It was before everyone left EQ2, the game has so much potential, but noone (or just waaay too little people) is(are) willing to leave WoW to try a new game for more than a month. You could find friendly people everywhere, nothing was too har…
  • I would say EQ2, mainly because of the vast variety of everything in it. Although the population is almost destroyed, and all the patches can take computers that 2-3 years old or more over a straight day to install.
    in xx Comment by arashi500 May 2009
  • Also, I swear to god WoW has some nictotine like affect to it, what about the game is actually attracting? Cartoony graphics, bad gameplay, no new content for new players, and people have killed them selves, literaly, over it. Much like a drug. Worl…
  • EQ2 would be the only game with monthly fee i'd play, and only if it had a bigger population, hard to find anyone at any level anymore. Shame since it is pretty much superior to WoW in almost every way, except for some PvP features, EQ2>WoW.
  • Okay, thank you all for the suggestions, and I have tried GW before, did'nt like it for some reason, couldnt pin-point it if I tried.