I think OwPvP can be set up properly. I just have not seen it done.
Without the possiblity of a lunatic with a hatchet coming to clean your clock what is the point? Amiright? There should be "Low Sec" areas in every game the yeild better results an…
AC popped my cherry. I am excited about this game but I do not think any game can bring back that feeling.
Standing on the spire killing a golem for a mote being hacked to death or chased down with someone screaming "SWEAR OR DIE!"
No friends the…
50/50 as I am posting this. The slaying of an epic monster as a group is fun. Killing players is more fun. Leveling up is lame most of the time. I think games should have Pve Raids but It should be a part of the game and not the game.
AC had a ton for great ideas and they updated every month twas a great game.
I think no max level with easier requirements one when you are capabable of being an asset was critical to that game being fun and that it was massive.
How I heard and have always taken this critizim has been
"If SwTOR online had been a single player MMO it would be a homerun. A huge success."
As an mmo it carries to little of what anyone wants to do.
The PVE content on release for max levels wa…
After reading this probably dead thread i have come to a conclusion about MMO players in general. There is two camps.
One camp says they want a sandbox mmo and does not care about graphics as long as their is good game play. (but they actualy want…
Whats up! notloc for itg. I think it would be fun to play with yall again I am gonna app on your website. Think we trolled each other on aion forums or something.