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  • Originally posted by madeux So, to all of the recovering (recovered?) WoW addicts out there... What do you play now?  Which games are worth investing my time into?  Is there anything yet?  Do I wait for an upcoming release?   Who knows, nobo…
  • Originally posted by sadeyx If a developer could somehow add more of those random, un-expected things then maybe the mmo genré can be given a fresh breath of life.   I would really like more "nooks and crannies" sorts of things. I've explore…
  • Originally posted by Pemberton @Ozmodan [...] Sometimes that's necessary and good. But if it's done too often or without reason then you should really take a look at why you feel the need to reinvent the system. A good example of this in MMOs is …
  • I love this game. I don't play it, and probably never will unless there's a trial, but the hilarity that comes out of it's user base is astounding. I know other people that won't play it because they limit purchases, though I don't understand why. S…
  • Stay away from SOE. Edit: In all honesty, Vanguard was developed and launched separate from SOE, so you shouldn't blame them for that. They did take it over afterwards and have helped it a little, but it seems they've abandoned it now. It doesn't …
  • Meh, they don't need that. What they need is to change the game. Remove stupid zones, update the engine, add mechanics, basically evolve it. That's the only thing that will bring it back, until then it'll just stay as-is, which SOE is apparently per…
  • Originally posted by zethcarn That's funny Tarvik.  I guess there a few good memories for me. 1.  Exploring Blackburrow for the first time.  Falling through the hidden trap in the tree and dieing.  Trying repeatly to get my body back so I wouldn'…
  • this thread made me lol
  • Interesting. I'm surprised nobody has discovered that simply saying something that violates the Rules of Conduct would probably get this thread deleted or locked, therefore assuring their place as winner. Well, in truth, I didn't read the whole thre…
  • That's a good point, which I share. Before Velious I had lots of fun exploring, learning the lore and playing the game. After Luclin it was all about the people and the game was a glorified chat service (like WoW is now, for me). I suppose that's a …
  • Personally, I would have felt the same way. I didn't hate Sony way back when I started playing EQ. Luclin just didn't "feel" right to me; the whole premise seemed silly to me and disconnected with the old world zones and style.
  • I agree with mindwork, tehghost and shadowpod. Jonathan, all the things you talk about as good are what ruined the game. The things you talk about as bad made it unique, challenging, scary (which is good) and engaging. The dialog system is perfect; …
  • Originally posted by declaredemer I have answered that decision:  NONE OF THE ABOVE. As members of the gaming community, we can no longer support "bad" or "OK" games until something better comes out.  Developers think by paying for a game we real…
  • Effect is spot on; they basically need to redesign basic fundamentals of the game, bringing it up to speed and improving it, before any old or new people will seriously consider it. They seem comfortable with limping along though, so that's what's g…
  • Originally posted by Ascension08 Yeah but look at WoW (ok ok I know, terrible example). Hunter and warlock are two of the most powerful classes...and they have pets. I think pets make it a bit harder to balance, because you not only have to work …
  •   Originally posted by Neanderthal I laughed at the part where they talked about trying to attract old players back to the game.  They won't have a chance in hell of doing that untill they figure out why we left in the first place. Oh well.  Th…
  • Wow EQ is still going? I figured it was still alive, but wouldn't get any attention anymore, that's cool I guess. I wonder if they've changed anything. IMO, EQ is too big, they should add content rather than just add on new areas. I might ask them a…