Alright, half of what I've seen on this thread is really good input on the game and the other half is just people trying to spew out their anger on a forum thread (shame on you! ). But anyways, I know this may be a bias opinion but I've been on …
Maybe I should have restated my question. I'm looking for a game with minimal grinding, not a game with no grinding at all. I understand that in all MMOs you must grind to a certain point but I don't want it to be a typical Asian MMO where you end u…
It was actually pretty empty when I had played it for a couple months recently after the game had come out, not extremely empty but it had a lower population than most mmos I was used to. Just my input, can't really remember all too well though. Las…
Well I am currently trying FlyFF, but to be honest I think it fails. I really want to try Dream of Mirror online, it looks really good... however I have registration problems with it but if Dream of Mirror online works for you I would give it a try.
Originally posted by CleffyII
Some good games to try that really are starting to offer something different are Dream of Mirror Online, Perfect World, and Granado Espada. Still they are not buyable at all so it probably won't fit your criteria. …