[color=thistle][size=12]i . a m . E A K S [/size] [/color]
[link=http://tinyurl.com/2f543c]Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology[/link]
[color=darkgray]Achiever 60%
Explorer 66.7%
Killer 53.3%
Socializer 20%[/color]
[color=darkseagreen][size=12]i . a m . a . S V [/size] [/color]
[link=http://tinyurl.com/27hone]Playstyle Survey [/link]
[color=darkgray]Supporter-Virtuoso, the Jack-of-all-Trades player
who likes to fill whatever role is needed in a group.
Not necessarily an expert on all aspects of the game,
but has dabbled with enough to be taking on many different challenges. [/color]
Originally posted by orionite
[...] but you should be prepared to face a steep learning curve. It can be a little daunting in the beginning.
With some patience, said challenge can be one of the main elements that keep the game stimulating.
"Next-Gen" should be / should've been :
Originally posted by fyerwall
... something that uses a better graphical engine, offers new, interesting and unique gameplay and pushes the genre to a new level.
But instead we've been prese…