I'm still pissed off they gave me a standard preorder box instead of a CE. I didn't notice the difference until recently. Bonheaded of me, but well.. I've had a lot else on my mind.
Not in the short term, no.
I n the long term, even with queues, numbers do tell simply in the form of 'replacement' and 'fresh' players. Mythic is going to need to keep its eye on the ball here. Amazingly, a lot of people I knew were too used to …
My assumption is that he's, you know, including time in beta. Given that he *said* he was including time spent in open beta, this would seem like good bet! Of course, since you both 'stopped reading' after he said he'd been playing thirty hours (wh…
Okay, now I'm mad.
I ordered the Collector's Edition, but didn't get my preorder box until later. My headstart code does not show up as a Collector's Edition headstart, so it would appear that my local EB did not give me a collector's edition preo…