I believe the author of this article is being just as black and white as the folks he is accusing of the same..
The fact of the matter is.. that in the striving to make the "for pay" content compelling, many/most? of the F2P + microtransactio…
THe fact that funcom is shouting this from rooftops... is sad.. and bizzare..
Fact: the ads by nature do involve personally identifiable information as a person must login to see them (score 1 for lying on funcoms part)
Fact: the ads are downloade…
Then clearly you are NOT using the shortcut with /trial appended to the end of it.
right click the shortcut on your desktop
Choose: Properties
Under the "target" field you will see a path surrounded by " " after the last " should be a /tri…
Then you have a buggered .net passport from the beta of ac2 (whether you took part or not it can happen)
Simply whip up a new .net passport (sign up for an alternate hotmail addess) and use that one..
Thing is.. the "trial" link should …
its prolly the shortcut on desktop
Instead of pointing at "C:GamesAC2Launcher.exe"
You need to change it to say "C:gamesac2launcher.exe" /trial
The C:gamesac2 part of course should point to wherever your game is actually installed.…
This is probably one of the single largest changes overall to an online game in history (outside of an expansion pack)
Virtually every aspect of AC2 (loot, questing etc) has been "touched" by the vast changes to the crafting system.. When coupled …