Rimor has better population atm. Atlantean has the older players but still not dead. while Rimor has an influx of new blood since its the default server now. Tower battles still going on. Can't commit for rimor but on Atlantean its stll pretty activ…
AO isn't a game where you can play for 3 weeks and even hope to begin to fully enjoy the game. I can't say whether or not you should give it another try. But even after years of playing I've still haven't did everything.
Vista isn't all that bad. Some compare it to Windows ME. And its not even close to being that awful. I find it stable and I can do everything I can do on XP. But what does Vista offer? Security? Not an issue for me. Aero? Good looking but not worth …
I play as clan on RK1. And I've see people in OA all the time (EST). SL seems less populated in nascence. The lowbie hangout spots seem to be becoming less populated. Making harder for those returing to the game with no org (like me). But its far f…