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  • You forgot this *3 to questiong whether the lightbulb exists, has a family, is married, is a God in some religion *1 to marry the lightbulb and get 3 wishes from it, then waste them on turnips.
  • Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - just watch it all, and see how crazy it is.
  • May seem wierd, but i collect rocks, or anything shiny, and shiny rocks are just a bonus.
  • I saw her, nice ass OH GOD, THERE A FOOT OF WATER ON THE FLOOR! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Then i saw the mudkip one, would've beat your if she wasn't blue. And yea, i'm pretty sure Mike470 would like being served by her, because i want to.
  • Originally posted by Battleskar I Big Shout Out for my Dallas Cowboys!!! Woot!!! Its almost time my fellow gamers. This thread is for all you Football Fans to give your team whoever that may be a shout out:P   REDSKINS REDSKINS REDSKINS! THE…
  • Originally posted by Illius Originally posted by Sare dont think i've seen the "taste the rainbow" girl yet, but yea. Go check my post history or go to the funny picture thread and on the last 2-3 pages you'll see me post it as well as quote…
  • dont think i've seen the "taste the rainbow" girl yet, but yea, it would probably be choco-bacon, or taco-bacon, or jello-bacon, or what about a choco-taco? But anyway, your right, but i'm pretty sure he makes the filling himself.     Warning:…
  • YOUR SOME UGLY BI-ATCH!   If anyone, can make that work, I will grant them any wish (i can do that, just dont ask how, its my secret)
  • red stone has them, and I bet barely anyone plays it so you can zoom up the rank quickly.
  • aww, but the drums were the best part   Also, i saw some faults in the performance, I bet everyone that faulted once got the firing squad.
  • FINALLY! SOMEONE GOT IT RIGHT! Chocolate bacon, coke with bacon, the world is moving ever closer to the golden age, were Mike470 will rule with tasty foods, and wars will be replaced with food fights. They just need delicious bacon cupcakes for this…
  • Originally posted by mike470 Ooh they look cute enough I could just eat one!     if one was in a cupcake costume you would   But I'll bet a few hundred $ that there were some furries at that festival. Anyone wanna take me up on that bet…
  • Originally posted by Chiram Dooon Doooon Dooon Dooooooooon Dooon Dooon Dooon, tud tud tud  breeewwr, tud tud tud breeeewr, dun dun dun di dun dun dun di di dun, im a mechanical im a mechanical man *moonwalks*   I didn't enter my creatures in…
    in Red Alert 3 Comment by Sare August 2008
  • Originally posted by demonslyer nice bike. id rather have a crouch rocket   what about a couch rocket? comfy couch, and it flies, and the tv is attached to it, what more could you need?     (Besides food, drinks, remote)
  • Originally posted by Illius Originally posted by JustBe  How do we fix this? It's going to take a very sophisticated tool called a sledge hammer to fix your problem.  The heavier the better. Follow the following steps: 1.  Place Ipod on the…
  • Originally posted by Enigma Originally posted by frodus ROFL very nice..i think I see o..>ACK.>!   See how no one cared that he had been injured until after you read this? You didn't even care when you were reading it, and I did…
  • sorry if they're blury, but all of these are somewhere in my photo album on this site.
  • Originally posted by bigtime102 I was looking for a game and found one!!! - Combat Arms - check it out if you like FPS's. Pretty shallow but what can you epect from a free game. It plays smooth and good no complaints there, could be more deeper …