There is the flipside to that where developers get too involved in the game, and lose their impartiality and objectiveness as developers. Case in point is EVE online where the developers were caught cheating and playing favorites with their ingame …
The cheating wasn't minor and it wasn't a one off isolated incident. This is not "giving free drinks" but more like giving free walk in whenever you like full dinners. The amount of ingame cash value of the items given in the first cheating was mi…
Incorrect, it was a systemic corruption within the company that first led to them trying to deny any cheating taking place while accusing the whistleblower, then after cover up became impossible to reveal they actually knew about the cheating all al…
Originally posted by rshandlon
EULA violations.........................
This to me looks like an easy answer for them to keep out people they think will raise viable issues that the company has. I see this whole thing as just a sham that CCP i…
Long overdue but too little too late. For those players that care about their faction, it might be good also to re-examine that RP event rigging that CCP was caught doing. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they've already decided who "wins" these f…