It's sad that Blizzard had to come out and handhold the community through these 'troubling times'. It's fun when unexpected nasty stuff happens in stories. It's a large reason why game of thrones is so popular.
lmao so ridicul…
The overall quality of the frigate combat/flight model was akin to an early gameplay prototype a studio/dev would to to proof-of-concept something.
Very meh, like most of warframe's various gameplay systems.
They need to do a full pass on …
ELOA was f2p, so if the early access costs $, I will pass and play on full launch, assuming it ever gets there.
I wish Playwith the best. Initial Kneejerk responses aside, ELOA did have some serious untapped potential and was p fun to play - I …
Solar_Prophet said:
So it's not only full loot FFA PvP (and all the negatives which come with that), but it's pay-to-win. Or more accurately, buy-in-early-to-get-an-advantage. No thanks, Bossa. This game is a waste of a cool concept.
I really hope SOLO crashes and burns. Last Jedi was the last Star Wars film I'll ever see in theaters. It's disgusting how Disney has treated the series.
Being able to have your PVP talents permanently unlocked in the open world while in war mode was a fantastic idea. Bounty system also very cool, definitely will help kick off some big battles.
Succumbed to temptation and bought a founders pack myself after seeing an article here on mmorpg a few weeks ago.
It's a lot of fun, and the optimization is okay. For a game not even in early access, I'd say it's in excellent shape and has oodl…
SpatialOS must have one HELL of a sales team.
It's not like like players see it and go, "Wow, SpatialOS, that powers one of my favorite awesome games. I can't wait!"
Yet every time a dev picks it up, they make sure to remind everyone that…
cjmarsh said:
I must be getting old because I'm getting tired of the over-sexualization of games like these. Not to mention the ads that this site shows.
Yes, you are getting old.
One may even describe you as an 'old fogey'
You all just watch. This is just the start of a cross-promotional frenzy ending in the announcement of Evangelion: 3.0+1.0's release date.
... probably not.
AI:R looks straight garbo.
Bless Rework may do alright and looks like it'll be fun, but it's unlikely to explode.
On the Horizon, The Lineage 3 Remake/Rework & Star Citizen have potential - but only time will tell if either really shi…