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  • HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry everyone, he's just so predictable I'll stop prodding the troll and let him settle down in his cage.
  • Hmm, I wonder what our kids will look like? Think they will take the hair colors, facial features, ear sizes, eye colors, and mix them all together? So, like a tall dad and short mom will produce a medium kid? Or do you think they will define domi…
  • Moron, I mean, Djin, his "broken english" was a sarcastic farse making fun of anyone that actually uses the word "L33t". He was pointing out that he is not a player of that low level, but you have definetly shown that you are one of those. Now th…
  • fentanyl, I can't think of an MMORPG that works like that. There are several single players, but no MMOs that I know about. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Morrowind. I never played Theif, so someone else can comment about th…
  • Originally posted by jenangless BLAH.YUCK.DISGUSTING This thing is horrible. I played the beta and even though it was free i got rid of it after about three hours. The combat has NO depth, and the other classes, well lets just say you get more en…
  • Tryker definetly. They have the best hair and I love their eyes!
  • Hey, for a chance to play a MMO for free before it comes out for even just a couple weekends, I'll download something for a few hours while I'm sleeping! When I sign up, will I get to keep my in-game name when the game is released? Cause I hope no …
  • Oh comeon, each person has their BEST game for each person. And we are all different in our own special way, so there must be about 100 BEST games out there. Everyone here loves roleplaying, or they wouldn't be here, so we can at least agree on the…