That’s a rather subjective (and combative) way of looking at it. Certainly I know what they are attempting to imply... but the fact is that it is not an FPS. That really sends a mixed message to people.
Even Tabula Rasa could be shifted to a fi…
Originally posted by Lavitz552
If i recall right, this game does use the AA graphics engine or one very similar... It isnt like AA though in the since of play or any of that... AA you run around and hold the button down... this is a more tactical…
Server: Victory
Character: White
Archetype: Defender
Primary Power: Force Field
Secondary Power: Energy Blast
Level: 35
SG: The Twilight Darkness
Played: CoH, PS
Tested: CoH
Your type is: AKS. 3% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number wi…