i have a buddy key ill let you have but youll have to wait a day or so because i just moved and the box my vanguard box is in is in storage so ill have to go dig it out ! e mail me at gifford4u@hotmail.com so ill have your email to send it to since …
hey i found a link on my invitation list for you that u can go to also i just saw this go here and u can use it from the web page let me know if it works
im tryingto reset my keys so i get 20 more but it wont let me for some reason .. anyway my chr name is Valendine on everfrost server making a new chr so look for me ..
i believe so i tried that with lotro and it worked i used a buddy pass on it and was able to play but i think u will have to make a temp accnt for it not the same one..
Hey all who just asked for a trial after i said i have 12 left i had to work today sooo sorry it took so long check your mail it should be there .. sorry for the wait but gotta feed the family also lol..
Its not dead i just logged off all the servers are up to medium ussualy during the evening .. or on the weekends so no its not dead , the free keys are just a promotion type deal ..