Originally posted by Rydeson Personally, I really don't see the worth of paying $40 for 5 levels, handful of zones, and dungeons while paying $15 a month as well.. Talk about rip off.. I'm sure the fans of WoW will claim it's all worth it.. Howeve…
Hmm, I have never run into this issue. I would contact Blizzard if you haven't already and ask them if they can give you any info on the suspension. If they are eating into your time and you haven't done anything wrong, then that is unfortunate to s…
Originally posted by tidalkraken To quote word-for-word a conversation from a PUG i joined the other day:
"Me: Hey all! excuse me if i'm a bit rusty, I havent logged in in a few months, but I'll do my best"
"Player1: OMG can we kick this fag?"