That is a lot of cash your talking about spending there jack. if you were to got the top end MB and GPU that would be well over a grand were if you gotten SLI or ATI gpu 8000 or (well i dont mess with ATI) i am using two GPUs so that all the work wo…
yeah mac for gamin they really suck. and notebooks or laptops well how every you call them. Their just for a gamer that to cheak there AH to see if they sold anything. there not really upgreadable. And mac books cost alot is do that there for graphi…
The setting are either to high or to low in other words, the game and the card are having a issuse. go in the controll panle and see if theres any updates you need and pluse get the DX SDK.
thats the treading if you go to the sli web site it will tell you whats going on. I did not have that have that happen to me since im running 8600 GTS x2 SLI.
Looking nice just im not a fan of ASUS or ATI.
ASUS boards (Well most) do not have the power on or reset button on the board itsef.
And some of the ati cards have problems with Tablets.