Originally posted by Saxx0n This http://lifeisfeudal.com/mmorpgsandLiF/Death-and-Alignment-in-sandbox-MMO-game-Life-is-Feudal is the best system I have seen so far and you don't have a carebear chip. Granted this is a sandbox so it is a little dif…
One of the best solutions to Open world PvP in a MMO, in my opinion, has been in Neocron.
All Players start off with a LE chip implant (Law enforcement). With the implant in, you could never be attacked by another player. If you chose to, you could…
Wow just seen this thread after remembering that you guys was supposed to be giving them out at 9am. Thank god I did at the very last second, been waiting for this game for alooong time like everyone else and would love to help make it a better game…