if you need a trial refer a freiend key, let me know, i can send out several. just shoot me a pm with e-mail adresses and ill check every day to see if anyone has, last poster ill invite tonight
if anyone needs a refer a friend code, shoot me a private message, i can send a few out
as of 1244am eastern time, i have sent friend invites to the following:
SoE is one of my least fav companies, as for FFXI is there any trial periods avalible? ive also thought about going to L2, what changes have happened in the past 2 years?
mostl;y looking to explore, hell in wow i was all over the place and never one spot for more than 2 hours, a large game with a fairly ok population thats alot to explore is more in my books. my current computer has more than enough specs to handle …