tibia graphics always sucked, it was a fun game because you were able to kill monsters and was very social game where you talk with people and party with them to make quests and hunt, also the pvp was very fun skills was everything
Some Years …
saw movies on youtube about shadowbane, i want some kind of Decent graphics or funny, i even prefer mapple story graphics not shadowbane, it's atleast funny/anime/kid looking
don't think my comp can run eve, and i want something that has alot …
really, i know how it sounds you can call me idiot nerd or what you want, i really HATE to make that, i prefer to grind 10hours with a guy killing mobs not to make 1 quest and get all the 10h in 10min, i hate to be alone on a mmorpg, its idiot i pla…
Processor 2800+, 1.61 Ghz, 1,43 GB RAM(extended)
i can't play cabal good but i can play wow full(20 fp but 0 lag with textures and shit on normal) its just a "normal" computer xD
also can you tell me something more about anrchy?
Originally posted by Minti
RESUME: i am not searching for nothing extremely hard, just a game where you start and hunt mobs for some hours and get a little spells, then you find a funny quest and you get a good set for low level, and you are so ha…