Well im probably too late.. but if any one has a spare buddy key i would love to give this game a go . looks amazing and looking for a new game to play.
she was annoying and gives you bugger all.. well i have heard if you give her enuf flowers you get a prize. but might aswel save ya money n not waste it on her. the only advantasge ov her following you is that she does heal you ocasionally
one of the best parts of game..the wonderful updates. you can continue playing the server whilst it updates then it will ask you to reboot ya game asap. thats all it takes. pure brilliance
i have played both games and both are good, but i have to say guildwars is better because their is more to do and is far more addicting. the races in guildwars are totally different between eachother so you can always be occupied with new characters…
it usually takes a bit of time for your profile to update the amount of time you have played guildwars. the best way to check to see if it will work is when your playin guildwars, on xfire it should say your playin guildwars, if it does then your pr…
i have to say.. when i downloaded the game i got really addicted to it.. i dont know weather they have fixed some of the bugs yet but when i played it there woz alot of bugs.. it would keep shutting down the game saying lost connection every like 2 …