9gb is needed on system drive.. .. even if the game is installed on different drive.kind of retarted...had to remove some of the apps so i can install the freaking patch
They have updated the configuration files but didnt uploaded the patch yet.
Whern you ll be able to download it from here i think the patcher will work :http://www.eu1.darkfallonline.com/dl/Darkfall_1033.exe
The only fact i know so far is... the game has not come out yet... and that fact alone can say another fact..all you say about the game and its developers until game comes out..it is a speculation that is all...
I am not a fanboy, that is ano…
With all respest to the number of letters written.... this is just another "i dont know the facts about the game so i will just produce the facts" thread... it is really interesting to watch how much energy ppl can invest in speculation and guessin…
Well.. my hart says YES!!! .. but my mind.... says " m... just scrutinize beta leaks, and then decide"... I really dont want another Vanguard case....
All in all with current MMO offer this game is kind of last hope for me for a long time...