I knew there would be crap posts after my leave, but this much nonsense?! I just have to set things straight before I leave.
1)Loktofeit, you do realize you're basically bashing the guy for complaining about not having money, while, in fact not h…
Originally posted by Loktofeit Originally posted by dervimnorth So I still can't figure out why are biased so much against the project. And why do you expect so much from below 1M indie-MMO title?!
I have no bias against the project whatso…
Originally posted by Loktofeit
Originally posted by dervimnorth
Please point me to where he said he was almost done?
"I'd like to think our project is further along than almost any indie MMO out there; Most of the heavy lifting is done as the vid…
This might come as a shock to you, but devs use engines because of features that those offer. Like world editor and character customization-it's there, it works and therefore saves time and saves from reinventing fifth wheel.
What you're saying i…
So your problem with this game is that small scale studio, that consists of several people and have minimal funding, are using engine's functions to make stuff happen, instead of reinventing the fifth wheel?
Ok, correct me if I'm wrong, but i…
Please point me to where he said he was almost done?
I also, agree(I guess?) that it was long before? Long before Esenthel engine was made, there were no games made on that engine. Problem is, however that to his day-there are barely any games ma…
Did like youve said, found this:
Yeah, so call me crazy, but I have more trust for this dude than any big name dev, who's under publishers like EA, Activision and Ubi
there's www.aocus.com Age of Armor. It's an MMORPG with armors(robots) which at later levels can transform. There are three rases and two factions to pick from(although factions doesn't realy matter, they're more like side A vs side B with the same …