i wouldny get a physics card because they dont make them anymore and the ones that are out are not supported that much. plus nvidia has built in physic cards in there cards. the game looks good so far but i want other things besides graphics like a …
yeah me too cursive but the chances of us getting in the beta now is very slim. if we joined the official forums at this date that i cant remember right now we would not have to worry about the getting in. im still very excited about this game becau…
man i really liked crackdown so much and i read that the guy in charge made gta games or something like that. i am not much of a mmo player but this game has my name all over it.
this game is on top of my favorite coming out. im not into mmo's but this game gots me very excited and i cant wait. man i hope i get in the beta. me and my brother always said they should make a game like this ever since i played gta3 on my ps2.
im going to be a good cop just because i think a lot of people are going to be gangsta or a crime lord. i want to be a undercover cop man, that would be bad ass.