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  • I believe you'll have a better chance to get a reply on the VN DAoC boards.   http://vnboards.ign.com/daoc_general_board/b5176/p1
  • Originally posted by Fion I tried coming back (with the free trial) last year but the game is all but dead. Even on the weekends server populations were in the mid 200's. I don't know when you tried to come back, but it might have been before a…
  • You need to go on one of the servers called Ywain. Although you'll find 10 different Ywains, they are basically all linked to the same server. That is were almost all daoc players are playing and which is packed at primetime. Do not choose Mordred (…
  • Hey,   I believe you are british as you paid pounds for the game, right? In this game I would recommend you to start playing on an US server, i. e. on the Devon cluster or soon to be Ywain. The European super cluster with highest population stil…
  • Originally posted by Ozmodan Originally posted by Calind0r Aion has passed the 500k mark already in Korea alone, which is a great accomplishment considering it released when WotLK did, and a huge chunk of WoW players are Korean. And there aren'…
  • same with my codes
  • At least in the EU you can not put your SE Standard Edition keys in yet. Today only the CE keys can register. SE pre orders will be allowed to register tommorow morning. Your Open Beta keys won't work anymore b/c open beta is over. It started last w…
  • Originally posted by vajuras   Originally posted by kaydinv I only have this one account. I'm not really a writer as much as I am a reader. I agree with a lot of things that MMO lovers have posted on these forums in the past and I'm trying to …
    in Shut up Comment by Hellsen June 2008
  • Originally posted by ganton Originally posted by Hellsen   Originally posted by ganton Lol considering I was running on a 2 year old laptop(Not even a gaming laptop, getting 20-35 FPS) I would say it would run fine on new mid range systems a…
  • Originally posted by ganton Lol considering I was running on a 2 year old laptop(Not even a gaming laptop, getting 20-35 FPS) I would say it would run fine on new mid range systems as long as they have a video card. SPECS: 1.8ghz C2D 5400rpm 70gi…
  • Originally posted by Kyleran   Originally posted by Antarious Europe: You remove the kids from the game so they can't be killed and add boobs.     I'll call shenanigans on this statement. I'm willing to bet just as many European children…
  • well, i really hope they do not delay it again. I've been waiting for it for a long time now. first time i stumbled over it was when i was looking for some other game than SWG...and this was quite some time before even CU went live. However, when …
  • hey there. You will find two clusters that are normally quite crowded. Limor and Temair that is. Some people even say they are too crowded at prime time. However, they are german. I dont know how the english or french clusters look like, but I think…