Allein said:
Unfortunately the comment comes off poorly without context. Watch the first 3 min of that video (where the quote is from) and it should make a lot more sense without any o…
JamesGoblin said:
@Anarion also an Euro player here. And speaking of these forums, the way I see it is "...ask not what CF forums can do for you—ask what you can do for ..."
Well played sir... well played.
I am looking for more warriors to join the Vlka Rafn Druti (Wolf Raven Division and VRD for short). We are the EU Division of the Watch for Serrated. Our plans are to dominate our region/timezone and coupled with the other a…
Loktofeit said:
MisterZebub said:
Here's a funny thought. How many people here complaining about this actually even knew the name of the persons actual job position, let alone their job function?
Having an opinion is fine, but you'd be…