If someone wanna try again this game or wanna join its the good moment. We are having some 2x exp event (still in beta phase) but it will help new players to get higher lvl. So if they do this events enought time grind will be reduce
Originally posted by saurus123
can someone delete this topic?
all things that baurus saying about ys is a lie
many features?
card system nothing new its same as spellbooks in l2 you need them to learn skill
sanctum war - boring not enough pla…
@deserttfox : I said it.
"published in Europe by KeyToPlay".
@macaa : my idea was to do an intellegent discussion about this game, for me, comments as "gryndy and stop" are not appreciate . All u need is just to know a bit more the game. I…
Just opened a topic to show u this game as many others on this section