Originally posted by Ak_QuiCk
just changed to 16:00 pst...
Yea went from 14:00 to 15:00 then 16:00 PST they cant make their minds up can they. After seenin the clip it look slike Legend of Ares and Silkroad mixed...
Cant say really by time I got to load the site after several attempts i finally dl the client only to see it already got a server fix matenice goin on til 14:00 PST now im waiting lol. Thought id end up mot playing much cause im about to the point a…
Well i guess the site is down cause it aint loading crap and just gives me a critical error im wondering they didnt really expect as many ppl as they thought after all lol.
Originally posted by lightpower
if you look at runescape it is one of the most successfully games so why do you say its crap wow "graphic's" if you actully talk to people in runescape they dont care about the graphics all the other games that you pl…