Faitu said:
Originally posted by N1ghtsta1ker
It's a shame that very few players played this game. The religion and politics system are something you won't find in any other MMO, and most of the community were good people. The problem is …
"banished from mileth for saying south park without brackets" loLOLOLOLOL. yep, i remember those days. I also remember a corrupt mileth gaurd, who was the biggest heretic i'd ever seen, called 'dour' who later by some miracle became the leader of Ko…
I can't even remember all the names but some i remember are logoth and allita, both atavism iii age, hyrulien, Apoccalypse (pure priest), dmz something or other (demigog in rucession), etc....
I started in Deoch 14. Had a pure warrior named Apocalypsen. i definitely remember you Stormbow. Remember the Holy Knights Guild? hahahahaha. Anyways, douchebag GM mark, who everyone hated, banned that warrior. i came back around deoch 24 I think, a…