Originally posted by DMKano Originally posted by Popori
I've still got my fingers crossed for that title that brings about the collapse of the MMO market.
Won't happen, ever. We are social animals, which is why the harshest punishment is solit…
1.- You need to wipe all the information in order to use RAID-0 configuration.
2.- RAID-0 SSD Configuration provides no TRIM for your SSDs unless you have an Intel 7-Series Motherboard.
3.- It's preferable to use the same kind of SSD for this conf…
Originally posted by Mannish Originally posted by Randayn I think the non-trinity approach is simply a sign of a lack of confidence on the developers....let me explain please.
Group strategy should always be based on the encounter...this i…
I think the next hype train is going to be either PS2 / Wildstar / TESO / Archeage.
From what I've head from the latest videos from GC 2012 about Wildstar, it is probably going to be released in Q4 2013. (Closed beta starting early next year)
The game is definitely worth its price tag, real good game. And yes the PC port is real shitty when it comes to features (You must have a 360 controller to really enjoy it so be aware of that).
I completely disagree with the OP, I love most of the music I've heard in GW2. Hell, sometimes I even stop doing whatever is that I'm doing and just listen.
There is nothing wrong with the trinity, I even like it. But there is a problem with having only one group composition scheme. GW2 brings something new and refreshing to the table imo.