Originally posted by FlawSGI
Originally posted by wojtekpl
Originally posted by Kharnath
What is acceptable in a game and what is not is entirely a matter of opinion. You may not agree with Metentso about the feel of the water, but t…
Originally posted by Meowhead
Did you just conflate 'moving somewhat faster than people normally do underwater' and 'underwater breathing apparatus' with 'running at the speed of light and/or space shuttles'?
I'm afraid you have no sense of sca…
Originally posted by Dream_Chaser
Originally posted by Kharnath
Originally posted by Dream_Chaser
Asura StarGates are the equivalent of running at the speed of light.
Give the charr enough ooze to work with and th…
Originally posted by Dream_Chaser
Asura StarGates are the equivalent of running at the speed of light.
Give the charr enough ooze to work with and they'll give you a space shuttle.
Now I know you're arguing for the sake of argu…
Originally posted by FlawSGI
Originally posted by Meowhead
Originally posted by Metentso
So now we have water that doens't feel like water. AAA developers always manage to surprise me with their absurd logic.
I'm going to ruin…
Originally posted by Dream_Chaser
Moral of the Story: It's not 2001 any more, it's 2011, and people don't have 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, to work on a game that they'll never complete. That's not fun. Games should be fun. WoW and trad MMORPGs…
Originally posted by Dream_Chaser
At the top of mainstream/casual game developmental codex (essentially for games that aren't entirely art games, pure simulations, edutational, more-work-than-game games, or hipster-indie) there are rules which sh…
Originally posted by Meowhead
... have you ever noticed a lot of steampunk things use robots? <.<
Yes, steam-powered robots are quite common in steampunk fiction. And clockpunk often uses robots based on clockwork components. That's w…
Originally posted by Meowhead
Originally posted by Kharnath
A final note: Clockpunk is one of several subgenres in speculative fiction. The difference between clockpunk and other similar subgenres is, that the technology is based on sprin…
Originally posted by Meowhead
Right. Which is why we're not using 'immersion'. Like I said. Because your personal subjective version of immersion is something that only you understand, because it's in your head.
You're not basing immersion o…
Originally posted by Creslin321
Last time I checked, they didn't have giant robots in the renaissance either
Does the giant robot …
Originally posted by Dream_Chaser Realism has no place though in a reality which is not real, a fabricated reality can obey any physical laws it desires, so even citing realism is utterly preposterous. We all realise this on some intellectual level,…
Originally posted by Alot
No, but may I assume that you are so heavy on immersion and realism that you also scoff at the idea of tab-targeting and homing projectiles, both of which can be found in most MMORPGs, and that so far you have invested q…
Originally posted by Meowhead
You can't come up with any better reason than 'ruins my personal immersion'.
Allow me to quote myself:
"To me, they're sacrificing immersion on the alter of convenience."
"... and the breathing ap…
Originally posted by Alot
This should end the "sentry gun controversy".
Does it have an automated targeting system?
Originally posted by kaiser3282
Kind of a dumb question... stealth bombers and nukes are technological advances on the level of which their technology hasnt reached yet.
I posted a brief timeline in post #22.
1885: First motorcycle.…
Originally posted by kaiser3282
I dont get all the talk & complaints about something like a breathing apparatus that ive seen. Why wouldnt you expect to see one? Sure, they didnt have them in GW1, but this isnt in the same time period as GW1…
Originally posted by Creslin321 I think it's funny how no one complained about flinging fireballs underwater, casting lighting bolts without electrocting themselves, swimming around in full plate without sinking, swinging big clubs under water and a…
Originally posted by Loke666
[...] I am just curios why this thing upsets you so while the other things seems OK, they are far more outragous.
Oh, but there are plenty of things I don't like in Guild Wars 2, and even more things I couldn't c…
Originally posted by Loke666
Well, underwater suits are pretty old,
This scuba gear is a copy made from Hans Tallhoffers drawing in 1459, and old Hans was not like DaVinci, his stuff worked and were actually used.
Of course you pump air …