Yes and no at the same time.
MMO needs to turn to player. To re-invent (if we play word game) many things. Amongst them:
1. Map. You know, an invention that has geography objects marked. To make things worse for MMOs, real world maps work. If…
If Lotro, not asks me - only class based.
Skill based: first, try these tens of thousands combinations to see which 2 actually work. Next, try thousands class tree combinations to see which 2 actually work. Then, browse through thousand…
No, they cannot. Reason is crowdfunding, because:
1. To get money, you must promise big;
2. When you get money, you may run away with them. Use them for whatever you want - subscription to xxx website or golden yacht. You are NOT responsible to …
[Wall of text]
For me, RP is kind of good acting. I become someone other. I have my role, I have to stick to the boundaries.
And to act well, I must be walking encyclopaedia.
Don't yell just now - let me explain. So, I decide to become an Elf. First…
Ok, so I "missed the point", even if I didn't. But let us presume I missed the point of OP.
So - MMO genre is dying because community is not what author remembers and likes. Back again to "sun was warmer when I was young".
Communities. Communities …
MMOs are not dying. They may be evolving, but not dying.
Author is just seeing old time memories and then complains: "Thou knowst, kids, in time of mine sun was brighter, youth was kinder and now everything roth, youth hath no respect for us oldie…
Kill 10 rats is not dead and never would be. Nonsensic "U, hero, kill da ten ratz cauze me too lazy npc" should die right there, right now.
All I want is at least some sense. NPC stands in the middle of rat-infested swamp and demands I kill 10 r…
I won't be SO sceptical about penises and hate symbols. Let me explain.
As a Bloxd player I saw what kids (local population: 5-12 years olds. 14-16 years are really really dinosaurs) are capable of. There are swastikas. There are users named after…
Game is dead when:
1) It officially closes. May exist as rogue severs, but game that was is no more. Bye-bye, miss American pie...
2) It officially enters maintenance mode. Which means: formally no more updates, fixing really bad bugs only. Com…
I see absolutely no defense versus bad players. Whatever you invent, won't work or would harm normal population.
Situation: Alpha is a bad person, player killer-griefer, nolifer. All he wants is to destroy, since Alpha is not capable of creating. S…
The very first was Runescape. Did not hook though.
First to hook me: Istaria. This is where I discovered mmo. Good community, player-ran economy...even grind was not that tedious. No advancements purchasable from cash shop (but they, you can have …
The very idea is wonderfull and great. No "Thou art Chosen One and only thou couldst save our world from Unspeakable Evil" things.
I really wish it to succeed and become almost classic RPG. We do need more of "I am normal human, not super-armoured…
Some thoughts about that promises everything to everyone.
Combat: what makes me nervous is a combat where you require some 2000 computer datacenters to figure out single monster. "Ok, i have tactical mastery that influiences Strateg…
It seems this game offers everything for everyone at huge scale...and thus almost dooms itself to fail utterly.
Ideas like these are suitable for medium-size Minecraft map. Where every tree reacts to your actions, every mud block remembers your fo…
I am OK with subscription in F2P game (and that's me, freeloader). My beloved Lotro has free accounts, premium accounts and VIPa ccounts [i.e.: did not pay, paid once, is subbing].
And there is one "if" - everything is ok, if it fits and is not too …
10 - What if... you could easily change your mind about who your character is?
Already done. Change genmder, haircut...
9 - What if... you could be admired and famous in an MMO for more than just your character level or raid skills?
Interesting. But is scares me soon we will have every village in Middle Earth to have a *cozy* game. Cozy life in Hobbiton. Cozy life in Bree. Cozy life in Rivendell. Cozy life in Mians Tirith [before battle].Cozy life in Edoras. Cozy life in Entwoo…
Still offline. Well, one can read Lotro wiki, count Balrogs or write essay: "For thousand generations, the Sauron citizens were the guardians of peace and justice in Middle Earth. Before the dark times, before the Aragorn. A young traitor, named Gan…
Bloxd. Yes, mock me if thou wisheth.
I am running my medieval-themed lobby on Bloxd. Yesterday and today - building medieval cathedral. Almost week of planning. Now - every day I work to complete it. Even if it has lesse capacity than i hoped for …
Companies usually want to hear only good news. Critics is tolerated as long as it concerns technical issues. This huge stone does not allow me to pass to next region; there is invisible wall in the tavern that kills everyone; loot was Stinky WereHob…