this is a similar study to what i am doing,
so anyone interested in this topic can you please go to my link and fill out my survey to!
ianubisi, i have posted my name and email address.
and as i have said before i will be posting the link to the quesitonnaires, but as yet there is no link. i am in the process of writing the questions.
Cali Uni Is Glasgow Caledonian University in Glasgow Scotland, where i am a student there. i am not a professor that is just a signature that i usually use with my friends, so sorry if there was any confusion there. i am no hacker but there is no wa…
i am a bit dissapointed at the lack of interest shown towards my post, it would be very helpful if there were some of you out there that would like to help.
so please just send me an email with the subject as MMORPG addiction and i will contact yo…
My email address is
if you could all then make the subject of the email MMORPG addict, then i can filter out all the rubbish i get. thanks
Prof TJ ......