Originally posted by NightHaveN
You are in a difficult position. Don't want subs because you feel that have an obligation to play, but want a free game (guess a 100% free game) without a pay2win cash shop. I think only Rift fills that criteria. But…
I've had more than my Fill of the Dark Souls games, Lol.
I actually Speed Ran Dark Souls 1 for a while. (Best time was only ever 58:00~, all bosses no glitches before DLC)
(Had well over 1k hours into this game, and a lvl 50 invader with cap souls…
I've actually tried SWTOR before, didn't care for it much.
One game I've been looking at a bit is ArcheAge, anyone have any input on that?
(Also going to post this to original MSG)