Welcome to DarkandLight.net
You are about to enter a world of chaos and desolation.
That about sums up my experience with D&L so far, though I 've only experienced the website.
Heh, I am bilingual so I don't mind, but the D&L website just went French on me, even though I still have English selected and I was just refreshing an English page. I can't waste my entire day at work refreshing the D&L site lol.
After years of getting jerked around by Mythic, do I want to deal with this at all? At least Mythic was always willing to take my money. to be fair to Mythic, at least they've never done anything close to what SOE did to their Star Wars customers.
When I press the order button I am still going to the page that says when it will be available, shich should be now, I even downloaded a GMT clock for my computer. I guess they are a late bunch, not a great indicator.
I don't get it. I tried it last night, first time ever, stupid mistake on my part, I should have waited until the holidays, or at least the weekend. Now I am going to be very tired at work today and utterly unproductive because I am infatuated with …