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  • "Well as a straight gamer I can say that noone cares about your sexual oreintation so get over yourself." As another 'straight' gamer, I hate to think you represent my orientation.  And if dude wants to discuss these issues from his perspective, y…
  • I don't post on here at all, but I read alot of the articles.  This is literally the best piece I've ever read on here.  Bravo dude.  Bravo.  There's a ton of sexual insecurity in people who thrive on gender politics.  Anyone who is concerned that "…
  • Cool, thanks alot for the information guys.  I haven't played all weekend, so I'll be testing out some of the advice.  I'm still churning out low-levels because I'm familiarizing myself with the archtypes.  I rolled a scrapper first, and that's fun,…
  • So I resubbed last night, and man did I ever miss the character creation mode.  That could be a game all it's own.  And I have a few questions: 1. Lag.  There's a bit of lag when walking around the city.  Are there any tips on how to reduce it, an…
  • If you're joining up, don't look for any innovations in terms of combat.  There are cool group moves, but solo play is pretty straight forward MMO stuff.  What shines about LotRO to me is the landscaping and the quality/quantity of quests, as well a…
  • I really like how they manage the progression and storyline in LotRO.  What Turbine has done very well is allow for a mix and match approach to levelling.  There are so many quests, and you don't have to do all of them.  I mix questing with grinding…
  • Awesome.  I've never been against a bit of grinding, I find it relaxing sometimes.  Maybe I'll resub tonight to try out the new features for a month.  If I truly dislike it, then I doubt another Issue is going to keep me interested.  But as of a few…
  • Thanks Pan. My main criticism the first time I played (only until lvl10-12 I think, I know, I should give my MMOs more time, lol) is that all the generic bad guys always looked the same.  It got boring.  I also didn't do much within groups, which …