im very sorry.
but i own swg.eq,eq2.planetside.anicy.sor. i wont name any others.
the thing withthe sort of game you have mentioned above is thats there fluffy.
i say fluffy meaning they have no long lasting game apeal.
ive played net ga…
I would serget eve online you can get a 14 day trial at the moment.
its very much a game for hard core players thought.
the leveling sysetm is much difrent as it is time based.
so no power levling here.
its got a realy hard core comuinty…
Was wondering if the site has or is gona start a beta newsletter of sum sort ?
i love to beta test games my self but you can never find a alpha test toget your teath in too,
For those that dont know you can buy the pre beta box at game and othere stores for £3 pounds uk.
This gives you a nice little sound track cd and a code that entitels you to get on the lst beta all sounds so cool dont it but wait !
SO you get t…
i havebeen paying for this game for 5 month and havent been able to log in even to stop my acount,
i have contacted trading stanadards about this too. it seems they cant do any thing .
let hope withthisnew company i can log on and end my acoiunt…