anyone have any suggestions on upgrade to my laptop that would make this run, or would it be more cost effeicent to just buy a pc and put the compents in myself
your right engmia. would you say the game graphics and gameplay are really up to them specs? from playing the game a little it seems liek the added alot of unessasary things to make it run slower
yea im just bitching about it cuz i cant play it lol, if i had an awesome system.. well better than what i have i wouldnt be bitching. just saying its a little much for what they brought to the game
the game def does not have good enough graphics to upgrade to play it.
they put too much into the little shit like grass and weeds and overloaded the whole thing imo
yea seems like a good idea to buy a new system just to run conan when it runs everything else full blown.
you guys can talk all the shit you want, but dont tell me you didnt have to upgrade your system or ontop of upgrading to be able to play this…
this is a laptop keep in mind, but upgrading the vid card. only 50 bucks? where at and any suggestions? and dont you think my proccesor is holding me back? i already have 2bg ram in laptop and only two slots, would cost more liek 200 to put 2x 2g…