Originally posted by razzielle
Wow so many different issues on one topic discussion.
Personally Im half and half on the new expansion. I don't like the idea of a shared race and class for all 3 realms. Personally I think it's going to be confusi…
I can't speak to the Classic servers, but if you are interested in coming back to Midgard on the Roleplaying cluster, Vardr ok Lidskjalv (of Nimue) is always looking for new members.
What is Vardr ok Lidskjalv? Loosely translated, we are the "Defe…
My recommendation is play on a RP server. The roleplaying servers just seem more "real" -- for example, you won't see a toon running by with the name "Cheeseburger InParadise".
And, of course, play Midgard.
Uh... no offense to you either, but had you fully read my initial post, you would see that I understand that the Home link provided does the same thing.
Having the LOGO, as well, lead back to the homepage is what my request concerned. Simply a nic…