theWocky is a South African 40 year old entrepreneur who blogs, owns a successful business & dabbles in other interests, so no... you won't see a "donate" to Paypal button here. This you-tubing is not a job. It's a passion.
As for mmo's, his current favourite is "whichever he feels like playing". Besides gadgets & games, his interests are varied and videos may contain "arb" things such as his 4 cats, his girlfriend, an eclectic mix of subjects and reviews, opinions, ranting, his travels, vacations and info on life in SA. Anything fun and (hopefully) entertaining.
Why the dragon? Always had a thing for reading. So, when time came to make an on-line store, Jabberwocky was used.
After almost losing a hundred grand to fraud, he gave up on it, but the logo was paid for, so it is now used as his identity/avatar.