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Just A Beautiful Dream.

KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

 Ok, I don't think the last one went up, annoying things like that sometimes happen...

 Anyway, I think someone should make a game based on my idea, here it goes. In this game you would be able to make your own stuff, not like the crafting skills of other games where you need to be really high levels to craft a spork, You would have to gather binding agents (Glue, String, Safety Pins, ect...) and it'd be easiest if it was a drag and drop kind of thing. If you dropped it a little to the left, it would be a little to the left.

 And none of the same old boring races, exept maybe humans 'cause they're needed.

 Picture this; A spry young gobloid (My word if it's not already taken.) taking a brisk stroll by a babbling brook, wearing his hand-sewn, and slightly lop-sided, vest. That'd be a dream come true...

 It'd have a HUGE world, and there would be artifacts for many things, including transportation. There would never be more then 50 on one kind of artifact, and there would be ones from different time periods. Different versions depending on the area.

 I would like to hear people's ideas on this subject, and if a game like this is already made I would like the name and a link please.



  • StikesStikes Member Posts: 16

    I like the idea of limited amount of items.


    that would make items more valubale in a game, which is what we need.

    trade value.


  • FlamingBoiFlamingBoi Member Posts: 206

    omg..  you MUST be a newbie here.. image

    .. u gona expect loads of flames for that post..

    and why would anyone want to make a game of your idea? Are you a proffessional game designer? -_-... please think before you post image.. but anyway .. something close to ur idea might be Trials of Ascension.. although it's not out yet.. still in development

    check it out image

  • nolfnolf Member UncommonPosts: 869

    i think those are very good ideas for a game, but you fall short of even explaining what the game is.

    good ideas, but you've got a LONG way to go before you have a game out of that.

    Nolf - Master Asshat

    Someone's gotta do it!

    I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

    Some Racial Notes:

     Humans: Figure it out on your own.

     Gobloids(Name still up for debate.): An ancient race, thought to be cross breeds between the Goblins and the Humans, neither of which like the Gobloids all that much but most don't mind the company of one. The Gremlins are the age old buddies of the Gobloids, and live together in small villages spread out acrossed the world. Gobloids stand about 4ft tall on average and are usually rather lanky. They have light green skin, large pointy ears, and thier hair ranges in nearly every color of the rainbow, red being the rarest.

     Goblins: Though thier race used to be considered rather barbaric, they have tried to overcome this stereotype and most consider them nearly as cultured as humans.

     Gremlins: The buddies of the Gobloids, They stand about 3ft tall and also have large pointy ears, but thier ears are even bigger then the Gobloid's. Thier skin is usually a shade of green, but sometimes other colors are born, most of which are yellow.

  • FlamingBoiFlamingBoi Member Posts: 206
    lmao.. some RACIAL NOTES ?? imageimageimageimageimage *GETs down on my knees and pray to you* .. lmao.. racial notes.. YOU DISCRIMINATING!! image.. kiddin.. can you change it to Race Info ..lmao.. image image image

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

    I keep typing a big long post then It won't let me post it!!!!

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058
     There is nothing left to explain really, that I can think of anyway. If anyone asks for more details about anything in particular, I'll respond. Until that time I'll be sitting here, bored out of my skull.

  • bsherlockbsherlock Member Posts: 491

    so what role do we roleplay in this game? you expect that we all want to make shirts all day? and you think i want to wear a badly made shirt?

    you will get flamed because you only actually said 2 things in that post.

    i do quite like the idea of having to craft yourself though, by dragging and dropping, though most games already impose some kind of limit on the amount of really good items. but you cant impose limits on all but the most powerful items or only the first 50 people to powergame up to high levels would ever have them.



  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058
     I thought it'd be cool... If it's an mmorpg then you carve out your own role, in this case with a pocket knife (Cuz I felt like saying it, some people are to serious.) It started as 2 ideas then merged.

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

     It's all about uniqueness, I'd rather fight a dragon wearing a unique shirt then a standard suit of plate mail any day. I like to be uniqe, even if it's misspelled.

  • AdrealAdreal Member Posts: 2,087

    "cross breeds between the Goblins and the Humans"

    ...sounds like Uruk'hai (spelling) goblin men? so I guess it's been done before-but different title. half-orc also is basically the same thing. There should be more randomizations to crafting I believe so not everyone's metal breastplate will look the same. or...maybe just have a lot of features to choose from like designs on the piece or is it a cuirass and not just a bp? stuff like that. I enjoy uniqueness too, but if you're serving in the military or some kingdom in the mmorpg then all suits of armor should look relatively the same (with the exception of armor values-higher lvl the person is in the kingdom-the greater AV the suit of armor has on it that is issued to them). It'd be cool to see guilds have the options to design their own "guild armor" for their members and such.

    Socializer 66% Never would've guessed...

    "Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
    "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
    AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain

  • ViridiaViridia Member Posts: 142

    Uniqueness is important, i mean one of the things drawing alot of people to City of Heroes is the promise of a unique look, and powers that aren't just a clone of everyone else in your class.

    And I think maybe one day, when the huge computing power is available, people might have just a big virtual world, with lots of weird objects that you can use and manipulate in any way you like, but i think it would be less a game and more an adventure playground kinda thing.  I mean, imagine if you were fighting a dragon of having to get the computer to work out the armour value of someones intriguingly unique safety pin chainmail.  

     Plus the more freedom there is in a cyber reality the more ways to abuse it there seem to be.

     Whatever, I think it is a nice dream, and I hope you learn alot about computers, and manage to get into the industry and maybe produce this kinda space sometime in around 2015 when the computers are up to it, and if I am still alive I will probably come play in it image

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

     You are a genius!

     Thank you!

     But I think that would be a special thing, like only for guilds as you said, and regular crafting would still be my way, because you could just add stuff and see what you get, My hands are all jittery!

    <Insert Rest Of Comment Here.>

  • ViridiaViridia Member Posts: 142
    P.S. Adreal, my reference to safety pin armour was not in reply to your post about unique armor, it was regarding Kuzzles mention of safety pin binding agents image your post wasn't there when i started my replyimage

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058
     I didn't know the goblin things had been done... Maybe I can think of a different background and such for them, they are good and stuff like that...

  • ViridiaViridia Member Posts: 142

    A certain amount of customisation in armour weapons is creeping in already, e.g. Horizons has a choice of like 4 hilts and 4 blades to mix and match for a weapon, yet again I think alot more will come in when comps speed up

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058
     That'd take ALOT of safety pins...

  • lyonman24lyonman24 Member Posts: 855

    flaming out of the past 6 months i have been here i nave never seen someone flamed for a open ended idea they are talking about you need help man. kuz has a very good idea going on here instead of being a jerk help him expand on it.


     ok kuzz very good and uniqe idea. now the showing of a off centered armor piece or what not isnt possible right now in games but good idea. graphicly not possibble. the rest is a awsome idea you should start writing a world and history then go into the details of everything then move to a more advanced level and start coding it yourself or shop the idea to some companies see if you get some interest in the idea.


    you never know what is possible until you put your mind to it!!!    dont post more here someone might just steal your idea..imageimage

  • ViridiaViridia Member Posts: 142


  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

     Yeah, I just don't like how unnaturally perfect things look in some games, It's more realistic and fun if you're wearing a lop-sided, slightly beat up, leather vest then if you're wearing a leather vest that always looks brand new... I said this before I think, oh well. You still hafta read it.

  • lyonman24lyonman24 Member Posts: 855
    kuzz like i said its graphicly impossible to do it right now though. i mean very good idea but just would have to wait till we are actually in the matrix you now what i mean lolimageimage

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

     Well, that sounds much more plausible then Me writing a book set in this world (My original plan.) So I think I'll try it, and I'll try to figure out a way to even do that...

     Thanks for the good advice

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058
     By 'That' I mean contact a game company.

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

     I guess I posted in the wrong area, my bad. Sorry.

  • lyonman24lyonman24 Member Posts: 855
    kuzz no you didnt post in the wrong area. its just i have seen peoples good/great ideas for things stolen out from under thwm when they just talk about it thats why i sugjest taking your time figuring out all the details and see if you can make it a reality and make you the rich one lol so just my advice to you drop a line see what new things you might or might not add to it but keep the major parts to yourself. also read some back posts for ideas of what people want in a mmo. so just trying to help you out man good ideas though i see where you are comeing from.imageimage

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