Pretty simple really:
How many SUBSCRIBED accounts do you maintain in EVE? Do not include any trial accounts. The point of this is to determine what the true 'average number of subscriptions' per player is. I have heard wild theories that it's 6 before and slightly less unreasonable theories that it's 3. I suspect it's more close to the MMO "norm" of somewhere just south of 2 per user but I'd like to run this poll to be sure.
(Note: above was reworded to be a bit less confrontational)
Please be honest! Thanks!
Will continue to update as more results come in.
12/19/06 @ 11:35 Eastern 30 Respondants. Average accounts per player: 1.834
12/19/06 @ 13:30 Eastern 34 Respondants. Average accounts per player: 1.819
12/19/06 @ 14:30 Eastern 38 Respondants. Average accounts per player: 1.758
12/19/06 @ 17:30 Eastern 57 Respondants. Average accounts per player: 2.145
12/19/06 @ 21:00 Eastern 59 Respondants. Average accounts per player: 2.173
12/20/06 @ 08:40 Eastern 67 Respondants. Average accounts per player: 2.093
12/20/06 @ 12:00 Eastern 70 Respondants. Average accounts per player: 2.071
12/20/06 @ 13:30 Eastern 75 Respondants. Average accounts per player: 2.027
12/21/06 @ 19:30 Eastern 82 Respondants, Average accounts per player: 2.018
12/26/06 @ 05:15 Eastern 86 Respondants, Average accounts per player: 2.028
12/26 update: At this point the poll has run for a week with 86 people responding. I'm going to call it done and conclude that, based on our results, it's fairly safe to say that most EVE players do have more than 1 account with the average number of accounts being right around 2 accounts per player. Slightly higher than I actually thought it was and lower than others did. Interestingly, as in all things in life, the truth was somewhere in the middle.
Thanks to everyone who participated. Hopefully everyone was honest and we got a decent representation out of it. CCP is evidently curious themselves as they recently sponsored a survey (I got one in email the other day) in which, among many other topics, this was one of the questions. I am hopeful that they'll announce the official results though I suspect they'll use it for mostly internal tabulation purposes.
Merry Christmas, or whichever holiday it is you are celebrating!
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
My second account was created on the first of December. I don't think I will renew it. The only reason I created it was because I thought I was buying a cheap 30day time code off EBAY but it turned out that I didn't read the seller's description very well and I bought an Activation Code only. (it included 30days free)
If I renew it, I might just do it with EVE ISK, but I doubt it.
A Work in Progress.
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I only a single account and play 1 character. It's all I need to enojy EVE Online.
A lot of the players in my corp have a single account. There are a few who do have 2 though.
I have no intent to play more then 1 account.
It doesn't prove anything when anyone who hates EVE can claim they have 9 accounts.
This should be asked on the Star Wars Galaxies threads. I know playes there who still have 5-6 accounts!
Heh i have 2 my alt account is mainly for [right now] hauling ore Combat buddy and cyncro spammer.
Tho you should see my CEO he has 10 accounts . You should see his personall mining ops with 8 barges and 2 level 5 iterions. He can strip a belt in 45 mins easy. The end result is he has billion in ore just sitting in HQ. Ive seen it so i know its there and he has an alt who has scrap metal processing at 4 and all the specilaising ore refine skills at 4/5 end result he gets pretty much all the ore.
As you can tell he is very rich and he is teaching us how to be too without having to ahve 10 accounts tho [phew].
As for people I know with more.... The Enslaver is rumoured to have 10 or 11 accounts. Frightening thought eh.
I have 2 a fighter / hauler and a Miner. My Miner stays ou and Mines and my Fighter / hauler hauls and kills rats.
Works for me.
I have 2, one is my main (with two alts set to do research) and in the past months added a second as a dedicated PVP alt and another research alt.
I do have 3 accounts but I am seriously considering getting rid off one of them as I hardly use that char. Only problem is that one I hardly use now is the one I always used on the forums etc so selling that one I would also sell my reputation...
And before someone comes flaming me, if/when I sell it will be for isk not ebay.
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
Though, as a dedicated miner, it would be nice to have a second account do all my hauling for me.
my friends though but since he doesn't have a CC he just pays me and I
put it on mine.
This sort of defeats the purpose of the poll though. You should have voted 1 because only one of those accounts is 'yours'. The other, by your statement, belongs to your friend. Which would actually make this 2 votes for 1 instead of 1 vote for 2. Thanks for participating but this skews the results
Hopefully we'll get enough responses that it won't matter much, statistically.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
purpose of the poll though. You should have voted 1 because only
one of those accounts is 'yours'. The other, by your statement,
belongs to your friend. Which would actually make this 2 votes
for 1 instead of 1 vote for 2. Thanks for participating but this
skews the results
Hopefully we'll get enough responses that it won't matter much, statistically.
to be honest I do have a character on there that I use from time to
time as a backup hauler, so I do use it myself but it is rare.
I had 4 off and on since 2003 until october when I deactivated 1 and reactivated my WOW account so i had 3 last month. I run 2 mining barges/hauler and 1 hauler/ mission runner.
But I cancled 2 accounts this month out of protest, in the why your quitting exit pole "Invention is not an adiquate replacement for reverse enginnering" but will reactivate 1 in a few months, EVE is set up to require you to have more than one account.
Which leaves me with my main account. In my corp I am the only player that will only have 1 account, though its a small corp 28 players these people are from my old Starsiege clan and have played with these guys for over 12 years. Most of the corp has 2 but some have 6. The funny part is that a few of the guys have been accused of macroing because they will be fielding 4 barges and 2 haulers, but like me (I have a 4 system lan) are simply running 2 windowed EVE clients per systems. Multy screen systems 4tW.
Oh and your pole is off:
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You are taking a subset of the total poll. 34 people have responded to the poll. Not just the 12 who posted. Look at the poll results then multiply the total responders by the percentage of votes in each category, then multiply the number of responses you get for each line by the number of accounts in that category....
CURRENTLY: 34 votes cast
1 account: 52.9% = (34 * .529) * 1 = 17.986 Accounts
2 accounts: 29.4% = (34 * .294) * 2 = 19.982 Accounts
3 accounts: 11.8% = (34 * .118) * 3 = 12.036 Accounts
4 accounts: 2.9% = (34 * .029) * 4 = 3.944 Accounts
8 accounts: 2.9% = (34 * .029) * 8 = 7.888 Accounts
Thus 34 players accounts for: 61.836 accounts
To get average accounts:
61.836 / 34 = 1.8187 accounts per user, or, as I stated in another thread: Less than 2 accounts per user.
but I understand you'll try anything to prove yourself right. Like I said... if you want to use DATA to prove your point use FACTUAL data not subsets of the data.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
You are taking a subset of the total poll. 34 people have responded to the poll. Not just the 12 who posted. Look at the poll results then multiply the total responders by the percentage of votes in each category, then multiply the number of responses you get for each line by the number of accounts in that category....
CURRENTLY: 34 votes cast
1 account: 52.9% = (34 * .529) * 1 = 17.986 Accounts
2 accounts: 29.4% = (34 * .294) * 2 = 19.982 Accounts
3 accounts: 11.8% = (34 * .118) * 3 = 12.036 Accounts
4 accounts: 2.9% = (34 * .029) * 4 = 3.944 Accounts
8 accounts: 2.9% = (34 * .029) * 8 = 7.888 Accounts
Thus 34 players accounts for: 61.836 accounts
To get average accounts:
61.836 / 34 = 1.8187 accounts per user, or, as I stated in another thread: Less than 2 accounts per user.
but I understand you'll try anything to prove yourself right. Like I said... if you want to use DATA to prove your point use FACTUAL data not subsets of the data.
someone just got SERVED!
A Work in Progress.
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You are taking a subset of the total poll. 34 people have responded to the poll. Not just the 12 who posted. Look at the poll results then multiply the total responders by the percentage of votes in each category, then multiply the number of responses you get for each line by the number of accounts in that category....
CURRENTLY: 34 votes cast
1 account: 52.9% = (34 * .529) * 1 = 17.986 Accounts
2 accounts: 29.4% = (34 * .294) * 2 = 19.982 Accounts
3 accounts: 11.8% = (34 * .118) * 3 = 12.036 Accounts
4 accounts: 2.9% = (34 * .029) * 4 = 3.944 Accounts
8 accounts: 2.9% = (34 * .029) * 8 = 7.888 Accounts
Thus 34 players accounts for: 61.836 accounts
To get average accounts:
61.836 / 34 = 1.8187 accounts per user, or, as I stated in another thread: Less than 2 accounts per user.
but I understand you'll try anything to prove yourself right. Like I said... if you want to use DATA to prove your point use FACTUAL data not subsets of the data.
someone just got SERVED!
I'm not really trying to flame him. I just want this to be as accurate as it possibly can be and people throwing completely false data into the thread doesn't help that in the slightest. I ask again that people just be honest. Vote only once and vote accurately. If you pay for 2 accounts but one is for your wife then you only have ONE account (your wife has the other). Have her log in and vote for 1 account as well if you want to account for both accounts (there's a tongue twister!) If you have 2 accounts and both are YOUR accounts then by all means, vote that you have 2. And if you have 6 then say you have 6.
If it turns out that people really average 4 or 8 or even 200 accounts per user that's fine as long as we keep the data sampling as accurate as possible. I like stats... stats are good... as long as the data is pure.
ie: Someone on this thread has currently only got 1 account (self admitted) but voted that he had 4 (self admitted) thus deliberately skewing the data. I'm tempted to remove the 4 count from my sample data when I do the final compilation and just not count that vote at all. But I won't. In the interests of not deliberately skewing my own data.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
No the problem is simply that any one can vote regardless if the play EVE or actually have an EVE account.
Talk about skewing the vote, but then again if you were not trying so hard to prove your point you would have relized that all I did was limit the vote count to those that actually admit to playing.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
And it specifically asks only those who have currently subscribed accounts to vote. (By the way you lied in your vote. You said you voted for 4 when you outright admitted that you only currently have 1 as of this month. I wasn't going to point that out quite so bluntly but... since you feel the need to once again skew the results I figured I'd make it clear to our readers).
Either you trust the data or you don't. But quibbling that you're just counting the posts because they "admitted" that they play is stupid. Anyone who voted is saying that they play. They just didn't bother to post about it because the poll already states that it's a currently subscribed account. Why should they post "I play EVE" when they already confirmed that by their vote?
JFYI: I am not trying to prove anything. I'm honestly curious as to what the real truth is. You're new to the site so I understand that you don't know me well yet. But anyone here will tell you that I always try to get true information. If i'm wrong I admit it.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Taram, you are right I don't know you and you don't know me.
If you did then you would know that I also am only intrested in the real numbers. look at my sig, I play EVE and have been playing for a long time. I also know that playing a SEM is a lot diffrent than playing a hardcore PVPer, which again if you knew me then you know I am (a hardcore PVPer).
I would not still be playing EVE if it were not Fun for me, nor would I have convinced my gameing clan to join. However one thing that drives me up a wall is when I see new players come in and start spouting how things are without the understanding of how things got that way. (that's in the other disscussion).
Also I have seen to many "open" poles get foobared, just imagine what would happen if the WOW posters jumped in and started voting.
Please do not take my count as a afront to you personally, I was simply pointing out that the numbers were not adding up.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
I have 4 accounts now.
Originally I had a character back in 2003, but stopped playing. Forgot it's password and started another. Which I then got the password back from teh original account. So I had 2. Then a few months later, I ended up making a 3rd account for other goals, which have shifted slightly, but has paid off. Then recently I just made my 4th account.
Having multiple accounts in eve is far different then having multiples in everquest. Love it.
The numbers DO add up though. You were taking a subset of the numbers rather than all the numbers. Either you trust peole or you don't. If all you count are posts then you're not counting all the results. And without all the results your numbers are inaccurate. That's all.
I honestly don't care about your paranoia. Live with it. I prefer to trust the members of this site (which I've been a member of for almost 3 years now) more than I trust your deluded paranoia. Generally the membership here is fairly grown up about polls run by other members. You'd know that if you'd been here more than 1 month. The only time they get unruly is when the poll is something about 'which mmo is better' (which always gets ugly). A totally internal poll, however, is usually respected as a data call and folks who aren't playing that game tend to stay the heck out of it.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
My problem is not with your math it is correct, my problem is with the poll becuse it does not show the Average just how many people voted a choice. I you have 100 people vote and 50% vote 1 but the other 50% vote 2-100 the pole will not show the average, it will only show that a majority of the people voted 1.
Take a look at these numbers based on the 73 people (from here and on the eve-online site) that have voted.
Do you have a problem with my math?
OH and the pole is labeled "How many accounts are maintained" I maintain 4 accounts but will deactivate them for diffrent reasions, but all ,my accounts were started in 2003 and have been played off and on so yes I may only have 1 active account nextr month (as I cancled 2 in protest to invention this month) but all 4 are maintained, 1 did abandon 2 other accounts that i am not counting. (they were accounts built to raz Prats back in 04 and only lasted 1 year)
Note: Only the people that stated that they would not vote here are counted, as I do not want to count votes twice
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
1) You cannot take data from just the posts as it is incomplete data.
2) You cannot take data from 2 sources that may be cross-posted
3) I have already showed you how to get the numbers out of the poll.
I know my math is accurate... part of my job is analyzing trends on a 500,000+ user network and finding averages based on percentages carved from a known total number: In short I do this crap for a living.
If you are going to take data from both sites you must:
1) From MMORPG.COM use the poll numbers, not just the posts
2) From EVE-O only use the posts by people who have specifically stated they are NOT voting on because any other posts COULD be cross-posted data. It's honestly best to just not use the EVE-O in this trend analysis and just do a second, separate, analysis based on the results on the EVE-O thread and compare the results of the two and find the median.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
One more thing to take into account is that people posting on forums, especially external forums like this are generally more hardcore than the avg population and therefor more likely to have multiple accounts.
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."