Yeah, tear me in ribbons, but I went to see it for myself. I know this will be critisized to nothing, but you can check my history and see I never was a nge supporter. Here is just honest expressions.
Myth #1: no one plays this game anymore, servers are empty.
Of course I can speak only about my server - Bloodfin, maybe situation on other servers is much worse, but on Bloodfin population is very far from non-exisistent. Yes, Coronet is empty, but this is because everyone have JTL nowdays, Coronet is not a transfer point anymore. Bestine is empty nowdays too - GCW has changed. Mos Eisley and Restuss are the places now. And they are pretty overcrowded in a peak hours. I don't have hard numbers of course, and poplutaion is of course less then it was in 2003, but it is obviuosly not less the in early 2005. There are a lot pf ppl playing, Mos eisley cantina is lagging in prime-time. Sadly that's a whole new crowd.
Myth #2: everyone is a jedi, it's a jedi wars.
Complete falshe. Jedi is a weakest class in PvP right now and every single dog is a pvpeer now days. Honestly, jedi just suck right now (in pve it's pretty much ok). And you know - ppl don't like to be sucker, even with glowie bat in his hands. Everyone respeced. There are much more commandos medics and spies around then jedi. Believe me.
Myth #3: only kids are playing this game now.
Well, I'm almost 30 myself and I was looking for a mature guild of course (mine is dead). And I found it. I hear it in on TS - that's a mature group of ppl which doesn't want to pwn everybody around 24 hours a day.
True #1: Crfaters are the main beating horse.
Sad, but true. Devs seem to blame crafters in every their sin. WS have no single gun schematic which ppl would want to be crafted all weapons are from quests, AS - the same.
True #2: Inflation is insane in current SWG
Well, yes... There is some short list of items (at-rt vehicle, dwb loot, some rare glowies, rare gifts) everyone wants and prices for this items are counted in tens of millions, if not in hunderds. The thing is that basically if you don't want these items or don't care about them - you almost dont need money at all - nowhere to spend. Buffs are not required and have no value, equipment doesn't decay and once you got it - you got it forever. Food is not required at all.
True #3: Ghost cities.
Yeah. They stand there as a memorial stone to soe stupidity and as a reminder of all the ppl who left. hence some number of cities are still runned by (when the mayoral was properly transfered or mayor himself stayed in game), but maintaiance is not turned on in a usual way (it's getiing paid, but house and cities cannot be removed if not used).
True #4: Gameplay is broken.
They fixed a lot since nge launch, but classic soe problem still there - they couldn't balance pve and pvp of 32 profs. now they can't balance pve and pvp of 9. FoTM templates are there, before ppl were regrinding templates, now they just respecing and go with new fotm.
In the end I wold say overall - they did a lot, but for a year-long term - it's nothing. In fact what they did must have been done in nge beta (if ever implemented). I missed my pre-cu game badly. I tried this new one. well, it is much worse, but it is playable now. and there are good welcoming ppl who contribute to swg still. I will never spend for this current game such insane amounts of my time I've spent for early swg - hour or two a day is more then enough now. But that's for good.
/flame on
Your weakness disgusts me!
Do you think it's worth the subscription fee every month, compared to other MMOs? Also how many would you call alot of players, in rough figures?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
I have issues with some of your True's.
#1. WS isn't completely useless like you say, although it's definetly not as good as it once was. Except for the highend, all heavy weapons are crafter made and they sell very well. The crafted Trandoshan Rifle is the best CL80 weapon in the game and can even better then the quest rewarded CL88 version. AS is far from useless. All crafted armour is superior to anything you'll get via loot or quest reward, except for maybe the new GCW Officer armour..
#2. What exactly do you want in relation to balance? Every profession able to beat the other? This isn't going to happen and it is intended (was stated by the devs). Some professions are simply going to be more powerful then the others in a 1 vs 1 situation. More powerful does not mean unbeatable though and if you take the time to learn your profession and the techniques used by the other, it is possible to win. Those that respec to the FOTM are those that don't want to put the time and effort in and usually find they lose alot to those that I mentioned above No system or game is going to be immune to FOTM'ers.
also, "possible to win" doesn't equate to balance.
also, "possible to win" doesn't equate to balance.
You'll have to forgive Obraik... He doesn't grasp the idea of being able to change professions. He'd rather everyone be like everyone else. Or maybe Han Solo or Luke Skywalker...
also, "possible to win" doesn't equate to balance.
You'll have to forgive Obraik... He doesn't grasp the idea of being able to change professions. He'd rather everyone be like everyone else. Or maybe Han Solo or Luke Skywalker...
And how did you come to that conclusion? Try reading...
You can't observe things like coronet starport at prime-time 2003. No, I didn't see anything like that. and I didn't say I saw.But there are good numbers of active guilds, mos eilsley cantina is full, always lots of ppl in restuss. In fact at Kash, Tat., Mustaf. you can meet soloers and grooups all the time. Naboo is not a desert either. Danthomir is dead, no reaon to go there, geo cave is dead -same. always a lot of ppl in DWB. EIther way the gae is not empty... Overall feeling - like downtimes at 2003-2004.
I think the game is not balanced because professions don't have exact roles in a combat and thus their inequiality is not justified. Medic is not a "healer", commando is not a "damage-dealer" and spy is not a "stealth-class", because all of those have substantional abilities from other roles. As a result each class doesn't have its concrete role, they are just different types of "fighiting". And since today spies are the best - they are fotm and best fiighter. yesterday it was medic and so on. That's what i call "not-balanced".
1) Maybe. I won't argue here. I didn't dig that much into the subject. all I saw that everyone using quest gear. With armor I agree I exxagerated - there are a lot ppl with RIS that should be crafted and not each one has gcw.
You can't observe things like coronet starport at prime-time 2003. No, I didn't see anything like that. and I didn't say I saw.But there are good numbers of active guilds, mos eilsley cantina is full, always lots of ppl in restuss. In fact at Kash, Tat., Mustaf. you can meet soloers and grooups all the time. Naboo is not a desert either. Danthomir is dead, no reaon to go there, geo cave is dead -same. always a lot of ppl in DWB. EIther way the gae is not empty... Overall feeling - like downtimes at 2003-2004.
So after reading your report you pretty much said the game is done.
Lol, we all knew this already.
You missed some but hit alot on the head. The population is much much lower on any other server then Bria as well.
One thing you did not mention, was DIVERSITY ... or the lack there of. First thing I notice is robes and Armor --- it was to general and alot of wasted time prior in making us different.
But alas this is the easy SWG, everyone cloned and gets to click on a ICONIC portrait of someone to be them.
Ahh,,, it's NGEE eriffic.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
You can't observe things like coronet starport at prime-time 2003. No, I didn't see anything like that. and I didn't say I saw.But there are good numbers of active guilds, mos eilsley cantina is full, always lots of ppl in restuss. In fact at Kash, Tat., Mustaf. you can meet soloers and grooups all the time. Naboo is not a desert either. Danthomir is dead, no reaon to go there, geo cave is dead -same. always a lot of ppl in DWB. EIther way the gae is not empty... Overall feeling - like downtimes at 2003-2004.
So after reading your report you pretty much said the game is done.
Well, ok. I feel sorry I was so innacurate in my wording that exprssion I got from playing turned to be accepted as opposite, but that's ok. That's your opinion, and you decide.
You can't observe things like coronet starport at prime-time 2003. No, I didn't see anything like that. and I didn't say I saw.But there are good numbers of active guilds, mos eilsley cantina is full, always lots of ppl in restuss. In fact at Kash, Tat., Mustaf. you can meet soloers and grooups all the time. Naboo is not a desert either. Danthomir is dead, no reaon to go there, geo cave is dead -same. always a lot of ppl in DWB. EIther way the gae is not empty... Overall feeling - like downtimes at 2003-2004.
So after reading your report you pretty much said the game is done.
Well, ok. I feel sorry I was so innacurate in my wording that exprssion I got from playing turned to be accepted as opposite, but that's ok. That's your opinion, and you decide.
Lol, the point was that after reading all of what you said and that was bad... that MOST people consider those major parts of a game or even a basic product.
Are you telling me this game has a future?
Please explain that one.... I cant wait to see it.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
Better yet, knowing that SOE , SWGs own company does not even have a investment factor or a actual future planned for the game does that even bother you as a consumer?
Does it bother you that the producers have marked it as the "Titanic"?
Does it bother you that they called it a "mistake" and are riding it out?
Does it bother you that the president of SOE now wishes he never did this?
What does this tell you about the product? What future does this relay to you as a product.
Your 30 years old... if this was a car company would you buy from them?
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
I reopened my account Friday, it's bad at least on Chilastra. Very low population in space and on the ground. Saturday nite I was on 5 hours and saw 20 people. Going to stay with it the entire month, but I don't expect it to get any better.
P.S. In the three days I've been back in-game there is no community to speak of so far.
Rebel Col. Moshi Manawitz-Master Commando/Master Smuggler/Master Pilot-Pre NGE Vet.-Server:Chilistra-
RIP April 04-Jan 06
I can see you guys going back using the free trials to see how life is there but why the heck are you PAYING them?!? Sony could care less how much you complain so long as you fill their coffers. The fact that you pay for your dissatisfaction is mind-boggling and does nothing to change situation.
Myth #1 (number of players in game)
Though the game is not empty it is a shallow remnant of what it once was. People have, for the most part, had JTL since it was released. The fact that people would prefer to stay in space rather than on the ground says something about the current state of the game. Add to that that the number of people in space today is also a shallow representation of the number of people that were in space before the changes came.
It is an irrefutable fact that the servers are ghost towns compared to what they were pre-cu let alone pre-nge.
Myth #2 (jedi)
The number of jedi balooned with the NGE. There is no denying this simple fact. Before it was a class that demanded a certain devotion in order to attain. Up until the recent expertise the vast majority of players in pvp were jedi because they were the alpha class again as they had their expertise and others didnt. Now that everyone has expertise there is a bit more variety but it is no where close to the variety that there was before the CU and the NGE hit. If you look on the forums all the NGE jedi and bhs are crying in their cups because they arent the alpha class anymore. Which, if you have followed swg for any amount of time, means that the jedi will get the majority of development time again so that they will be put back on the top of the pecking order.
Myth #3 (only kids want to play)
You may have found a mature group, there are a number of them still left in game because they are star wars fans. However, before the CU and the NGE you would not have found people named Ipwn Joo, if you did they would have ended up having their name changed in short order. Today those kinds of people are prevalent everywhere and there are so few people playing that the CSR's will not risk a cancelled account by enforcing the naming policy.
The game has improved since the launch of the NGE, but it is still not as entertaining as it once was before the CU and could have been had they come out with the Combat Revamp. Content is still nonexistent. Bugs in the base systems of the game still exist and have existed since launch, with no chance of ever fixing them. They thought with the expertise that they would make people unique again, but just like wow there are one or two templates for each class that are functional, the rest are still useless so they have nto accomplished what they set out to.
Rebel Col. Moshi Manawitz-Master Commando/Master Smuggler/Master Pilot-Pre NGE Vet.-Server:Chilistra-
RIP April 04-Jan 06
I think the game is not balanced because professions don't have exact roles in a combat and thus their inequiality is not justified. Medic is not a "healer", commando is not a "damage-dealer" and spy is not a "stealth-class", because all of those have substantional abilities from other roles. As a result each class doesn't have its concrete role, they are just different types of "fighiting". And since today spies are the best - they are fotm and best fiighter. yesterday it was medic and so on. That's what i call "not-balanced".
1) Maybe. I won't argue here. I didn't dig that much into the subject. all I saw that everyone using quest gear. With armor I agree I exxagerated - there are a lot ppl with RIS that should be crafted and not each one has gcw.
How did you come to the conclusion that Medic is not a healer, commando is not a damage dealer and spy is not a stealth class? Only Medic's can heal other players, cure groupmates of DoT's & Debuffs and buff all stats. Only Commandos can deal as much damage as they can for as long as they can. Only Spy can stealth as well as they can. It's not hard to figure out their particular roles from this info
Also, what makes you think Spy is the best profession? Sure, they can do a good initial amount of damage but after that they are pretty vulnerable. If you have a Medic in the group, they can heal their intial burst of damage and if you have a Spy in your group, they can prevent the enemy spy from going into stealth and escaping.
Rebel Col. Moshi Manawitz-Master Commando/Master Smuggler/Master Pilot-Pre NGE Vet.-Server:Chilistra-
RIP April 04-Jan 06
The game will NEVER be as good as it was. You can make any excuses you want and justify anything that has been done in the past 13 months but you can't change the truth.
"Hurray, finally a game where I can fulfill my lifelong dream of taking emotionally dead women and finding the most financially viable means to exploit their bodies with the ultimate goal of making them Hugh Hefner's personal furniture."
I agree with most of what you have to say Albion, I see most of the same myself as well. Good post. Bring it on down now.
Damn byotch dat aint no friggn moon fool, dat be a friggn space station byotch.
Also, what makes you think Spy is the best profession? Sure, they can do a good initial amount of damage but after that they are pretty vulnerable. If you have a Medic in the group, they can heal their intial burst of damage and if you have a Spy in your group, they can prevent the enemy spy from going into stealth and escaping.
Did you notice commas in front and after word healer and all others (which you suprisingly missed out quoting me)? It looked like that - "healer". Commas mean I was not talking about medic ability to heal. Of course they have this ability. I was talking about traditional rpg class roles. Those roles help developers balance gameplay. Swg's medic is not a "healer" in my opinion, because medic's combat abilities are far more superior then some basic ones, which classic "healer" has. SWG's medic can solo pretty much whole content of pve and more then survive in pvp.In fact this is type of a warrior class. I'm not saying those roles are set in the stone. Opposite - it is more interesting to see smth new, innovative. Some day someone will create smth better for rpg market. But swg developer team makes every class "uber" for pve to achieve famous mantra "kill, get treasure, repeat". By solo I would add. I can solo HK now.Need more evidence?
I never said I think spy is a best profession. I said this is fotm profession. And players has an infinite ability of respecing.
Also, what makes you think Spy is the best profession? Sure, they can do a good initial amount of damage but after that they are pretty vulnerable. If you have a Medic in the group, they can heal their intial burst of damage and if you have a Spy in your group, they can prevent the enemy spy from going into stealth and escaping.
Did you notice commas in front and after word healer and all others (which you suprisingly missed out quoting me)? It looked like that - "healer". Commas mean I was not talking about medic ability to heal. Of course they have this ability. I was talking about traditional rpg class roles. Those roles help developers balance gameplay. Swg's medic is not a "healer" in my opinion, because medic's combat abilities are far more superior then some basic ones, which classic "healer" has. SWG's medic can solo pretty much whole content of pve and more then survive in pvp.In fact this is type of a warrior class. I'm not saying those roles are set in the stone. Opposite - it is more interesting to see smth new, innovative. Some day someone will create smth better for rpg market. But swg developer team makes every class "uber" for pve to achieve famous mantra "kill, get treasure, repeat". By solo I would add. I can solo HK now.Need more evidence?
I never said I think spy is a best profession. I said this is fotm profession. And players has an infinite ability of respecing.
If a Medic wants to play a "healer" role, there's nothing to stop them from doing so and making their template stronger in that then combat. Medic carries on from the old Combat Medic profession which was never that bad at holding their own. As you said, this is not something that's usualy done in other games, which could be because SWG is sci-fi and doesn't really follow the profession rules of Fantasy games. If you can solo HK after only just returning to the game, then well done, very few people can do it
The whole funny thing is that at one time:
We complained on Bria because we had TO MANY PEOPLE.
At one time we complained because there was to many people in the Dathomir Cantina
At one time there was so many people in the Eisley Cantina that you did not go there.
At one time you had to fight in Coronet just to get a buff or get to the bank or cantina.
At one time you did NOT HAVE TO MAKE A EXCUSE of where people were or WHY they were there or not.
At one time people were there in the hopes and promises of what was to come, NOT what was to be nerfed or taken away.
At one time, most of us loved the game and helped, supported the playerbase and did not think less of them or each other.
Now I wonder what type of person pays SOE to play this product. Now I wonder how on Earth people allow themselves to be lied to, misslead, set up, overpromised and treated like they are as well as taking it in the ***.
SOE has either gained the most forgiving, lemming type crowd based on the IP franshise of Star Wars or they are paying there clients, because I cannot for the life of me figure out how someone can pay these people after all they have said and done.
At least with a half way decent business ethic in mind.
I mean these people have screwed this up so bad... that the makers of it left, people are getting let go and worse...... the Dev team has been known to call thier own player base names or along those lines "Thanks Chris" your a moron yourself.
I mean really?? At what point do you take a stand and quit accepting and start expecting? I am just at a loss on this at times... I really am.
It's like being able to tell your consumers to all jump off a cliff but give them your money first and THEY DO IT!
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!