wal-mart sucks. they are really expensive, and the customer support is not good
nice blanket statements. here are mine:
wal-mart rocks. they sell stuff super cheap, and the customer support is freagin awesome.
Alright, got room for a third blanket statement? Cause I really really want to contribute! here it is:
I Don't Give a Shit about Wal-Mart. I don't shop there, because Target and Kroger is closer. Injustices happen everywhere if you're looking hard enough (Although in some places, it is in larger quanities) and I have had no personal experiences with Wal-Mart's injustices, as I have Never been raped by a Wal-Mart employee, been declined a job because I'm a man, or refused to kill babies/whatever other evils Wal-Mart does. As such, I Don't Give a Shit.
*Disclaimer* If that post seems weird, I'm not quite sure whats going on, but I think my head is a little fuzzy/weird
thank you for your contribution, but thats not a blanket statement. you actually backed up your opinions by explaining them a bit. i was making fun of Tidermans blanket statements by making the opposite statements. if you truly want to make a blanket statement, you need to be more vague, lol.
Bigdavo, i'm an Aussie too, but I've lived in the US and I'll tell you this much: I'd *die* to see a Kroger or Albertson's in this country. They'd give Coles, Woollies and Bi-Lo such a shocking wake-up call it wouldn't be funny. I miss going into Kroger's huge-arsed stores and having 20 varieties of everything to choose from. The overgrown corner stores that make up 99% of Coles and Bi-lo's here just don't cut it. It's only a matter of time before the supercentre concept of Wal-Mart and the bigger-is-better idea of places like Kroger makes it to Australia, and this country will have its shopping world rocked. Bring it on.
Bigdavo, i'm an Aussie too, but I've lived in the US and I'll tell you this much: I'd *die* to see a Kroger or Albertson's in this country. They'd give Coles, Woollies and Bi-Lo such a shocking wake-up call it wouldn't be funny. I miss going into Kroger's huge-arsed stores and having 20 varieties of everything to choose from. The overgrown corner stores that make up 99% of Coles and Bi-lo's here just don't cut it. It's only a matter of time before the supercentre concept of Wal-Mart and the bigger-is-better idea of places like Kroger makes it to Australia, and this country will have its shopping world rocked. Bring it on.
You say 20 varieties? did you mean 20 brands?
Yep, 20 brands.
God I hope so man, having one brand is just simply crap.
You have to have multiple brands/companies to keep the quality up and the competiton ripe, this is where Captialism succeeds with flying colours and governments such as Communism suck.
nice blanket statements. here are mine:
wal-mart rocks. they sell stuff super cheap, and the customer support is freagin awesome.
Alright, got room for a third blanket statement? Cause I really really want to contribute! here it is:
I Don't Give a Shit about Wal-Mart. I don't shop there, because Target and Kroger is closer. Injustices happen everywhere if you're looking hard enough (Although in some places, it is in larger quanities) and I have had no personal experiences with Wal-Mart's injustices, as I have Never been raped by a Wal-Mart employee, been declined a job because I'm a man, or refused to kill babies/whatever other evils Wal-Mart does. As such, I Don't Give a Shit.
*Disclaimer* If that post seems weird, I'm not quite sure whats going on, but I think my head is a little fuzzy/weird
thank you for your contribution, but thats not a blanket statement. you actually backed up your opinions by explaining them a bit. i was making fun of Tidermans blanket statements by making the opposite statements. if you truly want to make a blanket statement, you need to be more vague, lol.Damn....... I'll try harder:
1 d0n7 g1v3 4 sh17z0rz
You say 20 varieties? did you mean 20 brands?
You say 20 varieties? did you mean 20 brands?
God I hope so man, having one brand is just simply crap.
You have to have multiple brands/companies to keep the quality up and the competiton ripe, this is where Captialism succeeds with flying colours and governments such as Communism suck.
O_o o_O
Was the Dairy manager up there for close to 2 years.
Walmart is evil.