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rumors: eve-online scandal



  • retrospecticretrospectic Member UncommonPosts: 1,466
    Originally posted by fulmanfu

    thats why you dont play a rinky dink mmo if you care about stuff like that

    Goes on the big list of reasons I stick with mainstream games.

    Dev favoritism

    Risky payment methods

    Bad Translations

    Broken Economy


  • JosherJosher Member Posts: 2,818

    Sounds totally plausable considering how much time you can lose in that game.  It shouldn't suprise anyone that a GM would use some of his power to make sure he or his friends win.  This is a MMORPG afterall and players do everything to win.  Too many cooincidences one after another.  GMs shouldn't be playing the game at all anyway  They're supposed to be working.


    Is it so shocking something like this would happen from such a small time developer?  It shouldn't be.

  • WARCRYtmWARCRYtm Member Posts: 875

    This was made from a BoB player, see it


    Cosy, i'm sure you won't take my word for it, but I've been in Evolution for more then two and a half years now, and in BoB since before it existed.

    Devs in Eve play the game, there's about 200 devs that work at ccp, and I'm sure a fair few of them will be playing as part of large alliances. There's devs in D2, RA, CA, BoB, Outbreak, whatever.

    They are not allowed to let people know their true identity, and they mostly never do. In this case, one fo them told another BoB player who he was because he wanted that other playuer to apply for a job at CCP. That might not have been the best way to go about it, but it has happened, and the result was that that dev pulled his chars out of BoB and went inactive with them ingame.

    As far as favouritism goes, none of that has happened, and it certianly has not been proven. So saying CCP needs to kick someones balls in for cheating when there's no proof whatsoever of him doing that is kind of strange isn't it ?

    Let me remind you of something. Eve devs. gm/s and volunteers have player accounts. These acocunts are constantly monitored by a dedicated tema of people. The 'facts' that people are all worked up about now happened in 2005. That means that the regular quite extensive monitoring didn't catch anything untoward happenign back then, and has not cought anything untoward happening since.

    Yes there's snippets of stuff that questionable on first sight. You can see talk about us renitng out a 10/10 complex to people we consider gold farmers. However, what the dear hacker did not show you is the discussion about that and the mentioning of several petitions sent by us previous to renting out that complex to this person where we asked CCP to investigate his dealings and check if he was indeed ebaying the isk he earns there. CCP did that, on multiple occasions, and concluded that nothing was being ebayed or ntohign could be proven. At least, that's the only possibel conclusion seeing how this person has not had any action taken against him. So, if CCP conclude he's clean, we can't but conclude he is clean.

    Then, there's the alleged purchasing of player accounts by epople within BoB for real money. I can tell you straight up that that didn't happen. Anyone caught buying or selling anything ingame within my corporation is instantly booted and will not be a part of BoB at any time after. Other directors in BoB take the same dim view, and the character in question was transfered for no payment because of that.

    Then there's the talk of us getting help in teh war with ASCN. Didn;t happen either. Some ex-ASCn players simply cant deal with being beaten, and get bitter about it. Most don't, and acknowledge that the allegations are not true. Same goes for any exploit accusation aimed at us, pure and uitter nonsense. Yes we've encountered bugs sometimes, and yes sometimes during combat. We sometimes choose to finish the combat before having the bugs investigated, because its not always easy to see what is a bug and what an unknown sideeffect of a feature, especially with POS warfare.

    Finally, there's the idiocy about us getting inside info from dev players about impending changes. Everything that changes about Eve can be freely seen weeks upfront on teh test server. It has free and open access for everyone. Every time there is a major [patch that introduces new things or mechanics we have quite a lot of people that will go on this test server and check out the new stuff untill they believe they know exactly how it works. That info gets shared, and as a result we tend to know what to to with new stuff right away. Most large alliances do this, most serious corps do this. There is nothing wrong or 'inside' about this and dev characters have nothgin whatsoever to do with it.

    It is easy to take a forum used by 1000+ people and trawl through it looking for snippets of conversation that can be taken out of context to make it look like the people involved are cheaters. We talk about cheating, we talk about bugs, we talk about features and we talk about CCP. Put those subjects in the right order and we look like we are talking about CCP cheating with us to abuse bugs.

    That's all there's to it.

    You probably won't believe me, but that's your problem, not mine.

    In the mean time please stop slandering CCP employees and causing damage to this great game.

  • Havoc01Havoc01 Member Posts: 113
    This thread loses at teh internets.

    You know, WoW GM probably abuse their powers, but since the servers are small, and you don't lose anything from them cheating, it really doesn't get talked about.

    It happens in every game, saying it only happens in EVE makes you look stupid, get a clue. POSs going offline?

    Spies in ASCN turning them off, telling BoB when they run out of fuel, or just ASCN was too disorganized to fuel them.

    Oh, and the post about "It is a well known fact devs are in BoB, DUR" the best guilds, corps, alliances always get accused of cheating, hacking, having dev help, etc. It is called jealousy, or they are trying to prove they aren't really losing because the other side cheats.

    I am glad you guys won't play EVE, play WoW and suck the raid grind.

    "WoW haz mur playz it iz the beter cuz of dat, lol."
  • retrospecticretrospectic Member UncommonPosts: 1,466
    Originally posted by Havoc01

    This thread loses at teh internets.

    You know, WoW GM probably abuse their powers, but since the servers are small, and you don't lose anything from them cheating, it really doesn't get talked about.

    It happens in every game, saying it only happens in EVE makes you look stupid, get a clue. POSs going offline?

    Spies in ASCN turning them off, telling BoB when they run out of fuel, or just ASCN was too disorganized to fuel them.

    Oh, and the post about "It is a well known fact devs are in BoB, DUR" the best guilds, corps, alliances always get accused of cheating, hacking, having dev help, etc. It is called jealousy, or they are trying to prove they aren't really losing because the other side cheats.

    I am glad you guys won't play EVE, play WoW and suck the raid grind.

    "WoW haz mur playz it iz the beter cuz of dat, lol."

    You point out that an assumption about EvE is incorrect.  You then make a general assumption about WoW and other MMORPGs. 

  • RattrapRattrap Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,599
    You people are so damn naive it is unbelivable.

    ASCN did lose the Titan under very strange circumstances.

    Actually it is widely known that Titan didnt shoot or fight back , and that the pilot (forgot the name) went link dead, and could not reconnect because eve server was refusing him. It is also widely known that the same Titan was virtualy imposible to be destroyed in normal fight.

    Now take this set of fish circumstances , combine it with widely spread rumour that devs and gms play in BOB .

    CCP claims it is investigating it

    But wake up , naive boys and girls.

    If CCP employee is really the culprit. You think CCP will go out and announce that !?

    It is not homework eaten by dog case, we are talking about multimilion worth buisness here.

    And CCP has hell lot to lose and virtually nothing to gain by admiting its guilt

    "Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas

  • cosycosy Member UncommonPosts: 3,228

    also if u forget 5-6 days ago a carrier waz on hull and a GM teleported the carrier on the place where he lose the fighters
    the pilot reported that fighters on a petition - ok i accept that
    but when u make a ship lose petition take 24 to get auto response and weeks to get the ship
    this time the GM waz damn fast and why don't teleported the carrier when was 100% armor and 100% shield

    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:30:26 ] GM Ytterbium > Ok stop attacking please
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:30:41 ] mazzilliu > ?!?!?!?!?!1
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:30:41 ] h4x3r009r > Why?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:30:41 ] GM Ytterbium > stop attacking the carrier now please.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:30:51 ] Shamis Orzoz > Why?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:30:54 ] Shamis Orzoz > please explain
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:31:02 ] Bigg Country > hey em
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:31:02 ] GM Ytterbium > because he wouldn´t be here if I didn´t transfered him here in the first place.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:31:09 ] Shamis Orzoz > what
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:31:19 ] Shamis Orzoz > your gonna replace my stront
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:31:39 ] GM Ytterbium > I moved him here because he lost his fighters to a bug.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:31:48 ] Shamis Orzoz > move him out again then
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:31:52 ] Shamis Orzoz > damn cheater
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:32:03 ] M Counts > why would you move him because he lost his fighters
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:32:06 ] mazzilliu > he had penty of time to get out we scanned him down
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:32:19 ] M Counts > literally that makes absolutely no sense
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:32:19 ] mazzilliu > he engaged the other domi before this too
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:32:22 ] Shamis Orzoz > he also engaged a dominiix
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:32:23 ] Kram X > He was here fighting.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:32:30 ] GM Ytterbium > Ok if you don´t stop you are disobeying a GM orders
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:32:43 ] mazzilliu > >=
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:04 ] Black 1 > thats bullshit
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:09 ] Shamis Orzoz > can we have some strong please
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:10 ] Shamis Orzoz > mr gm
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:10 ] GM Ytterbium > I know.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:12 ] M Counts > thanks CCP!
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:21 ] GM Ytterbium > Please file a petition about your lost fuel
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:23 ] GM Ytterbium > I will replace it
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:27 ] Shamis Orzoz > are you kidding me
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:29 ] M Counts > in how long?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:31 ] Shamis Orzoz > nobody ansers my petitions
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:33 ] mazzilliu > how about our lost carrie rkillmail
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:39 ] mazzilliu > and our lost fighter loot
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:41 ] M Counts > 6 months seems to be your average response time
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:42 ] Kram X > This is fucking bullshit... the carrier would be dead even with drones.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:33:49 ] Babs Johnson > Who is the most senior gm available at the moment please?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:07 ] GM Ytterbium > Please understand that if I didn´t move him because he lost his fighters he would still be docked.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:14 ] Shamis Orzoz > move him again
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:21 ] GM Ytterbium > Thus leading to no carrier engagement.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:28 ] Rivek > im curious why you would do that considering they can be scanned out
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:28 ] mazzilliu > he had PLENTY OF TIME to dock he had over a minute to do so he just sat there
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:30 ] GM Ytterbium > Let him dock back into the station pelase.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:33 ] Black 1 > if he lost fighter y is he attacking us with them?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:53 ] Diablo > keep questoining the gm
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:34:57 ] Diablo > please
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:35:13 ] GM Ytterbium > ok I moved him here because he lost control to his fighters after a disconnect
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:35:22 ] Shamis Orzoz > that doesn't make any sense
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:35:32 ] M Counts > he lost control of his fighters after a disconnect
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:35:44 ] Shamis Orzoz > i lost a ship after a disconnect once
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:35:46 ] M Counts > so that means when i crash in my domi i can petition my ogre IIs
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:35:48 ] Babs Johnson > again, who is the most senior GM available now?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:35:53 ] M Counts > OH WAIT NO I CANT THANKS CCP
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:36:25 ] Babs Johnson > Ytterbuim please tell us who the most senior GM available at the moment is
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:36:55 ] GM Ytterbium > Ok I understand that my behavior is frustrating.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:37:07 ] GM Ytterbium > No senior GMs are available at the moment
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:37:11 ] Shamis Orzoz > who's your maian yitterbium
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:37:16 ] Shamis Orzoz > *main
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:37:25 ] GM Ytterbium > Please file one petition if you have question about my attibute.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:37:42 ] Shamis Orzoz > easier to delete?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:37:58 ] Archronus Savillar > Well while your replacing things to disconnect I have a petition in for a Typhoon that I lost to a disconnect. Please fix this one while your at it
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:07 ] mazzilliu > yeah and i lost a tempest
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:12 ] Babs Johnson > There will be an investigation, not just a petition, we will take the matter up with CCP
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:17 ] Shamis Orzoz > i lost a claymore to lag 6 weeks ago
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:20 ] Shamis Orzoz > still no petition response
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:28 ] Archronus Savillar > Mine is from 12/14
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:33 ] M Counts > yeah, i have a stabber and an ishkur on petition
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:35 ] Rivek > People have been loosing fighters to disconnects for months, when did policy change? After they became scannable?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:41 ] M Counts > the ishkur from November
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:38:50 ] Bigg Country > can u plz unscammble me so i can dock
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:39:01 ] Shamis Orzoz > can't the gm move you?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:39:29 ] Diablo > and we lost two fighters also
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:39:41 ] Diablo > im glad you guys keep questoin the gm looks good for ra
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:39:41 ] Bigg Country > yes i did
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:39:42 ] Babs Johnson > Diablo we have you on a Dominix killmail
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:39:56 ] Babs Johnson > don't play that, you've been hunting in this system
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:39:59 ] Shamis Orzoz > Are there ANY other gm's available for comment?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:40:11 ] GM Ytterbium > I am talking with two other GMs at the moment
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:40:26 ] Babs Johnson > bring them into local please
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:40:30 ] GM Ytterbium > They are coming
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:40:35 ] GM Ytterbium > First I would like to say
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:40:36 ] mazzilliu > thank you GM
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:40:48 ] GM Ytterbium > That my main is NOT the carrier pilot
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:40:55 ] GM Ytterbium > stop shooting please
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:41:01 ] Shamis Orzoz > perhaps in LV?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:41:04 ] Rivek > LV member by chanse?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:41:15 ] Babs Johnson > I don't care, bring the GMs into this channel
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:41:17 ] GM Ytterbium > bigg country, get your fighters back if you didn´t
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:42:02 ] Bigg Country > im trying the fighters tryed to follow a guy in warp when he attcked me
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:42:09 ] Babs Johnson > but he lost his fighters
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:42:14 ] Babs Johnson > that's why he's here, isn't it?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:42:24 ] Shamis Orzoz > I lost a drone once
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:43:07 ] Bigg Country > i had 15 fighters only 13 now so i have one rogue fighter some where
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:43:13 ] Shamis Orzoz > So is your main in LV?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:43:26 ] GM Ytterbium > I have absolutely no afiliations with this fight
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:43:39 ] Black 1 > then y interfear?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:43:44 ] Babs Johnson > fine, bring the other GMs in here
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:43:49 ] GM Ytterbium > Ok let me sum up again please
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:12 ] Shamis Orzoz > VERY
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:19 ] GM Ytterbium > This carrier was teleported here because his pilot lost control of his fighters after being disconnected
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:28 ] Shamis Orzoz > was he in danger?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:30 ] zibelthurdos > from where?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:33 ] Shamis Orzoz > where was he?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:35 ] GM Ytterbium > from the station
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:36 ] Babs Johnson > we've heard your story, ytterbium and it differs from what we saw ourselves, this charrier undocked and safespotted
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:37 ] Bigg Country > i have more peps locking and shotting me
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:52 ] Babs Johnson > so bring the other GMs into this channel
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:53 ] Shamis Orzoz > why would you teleport him here from the station?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:44:53 ] Bigg Country > no safe spot
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:02 ] Babs Johnson > and let's get this investigation underway
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:08 ] Shamis Orzoz > so you moved him from within this very ssystem?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:11 ] Bigg Country > come on guys
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:12 ] Babs Johnson > Huginn we have an issue
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:16 ] Shamis Orzoz > because he disconnected and lost his drones?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:27 ] zibelthurdos > ctrl-Q?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:29 ] Bigg Country > yes sha
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:37 ] Bigg Country > net went down
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:43 ] Bigg Country > fighters followed me
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:51 ] Bigg Country > i asked to get them
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:45:54 ] Bigg Country > back
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:00 ] Bigg Country > thx gm
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:08 ] Bigg Country > gm's
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:13 ] Shamis Orzoz > wow
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:14 ] Rivek > there is an in game mechanism to get fighters back. its called scan probing
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:27 ] Rivek > so why would gms be involved in that i have to wonder
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:31 ] Shamis Orzoz > So is huginn the other LV GM?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:49 ] Shamis Orzoz > WHAT THE FUCK
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:55 ] Babs Johnson > Huginn please bring Shamis and me into a private convo to discuss this situation
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:46:57 ] Shamis Orzoz > i ban you
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:10 ] GM Huginn > so what's the problem
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:16 ] Babs Johnson > the problem is this
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:24 ] Babs Johnson > this carrier undocks, has plenty of fighters
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:30 ] Babs Johnson > warps to this spot
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:30 ] Shamis Orzoz > YOU DON'T HELP PEOPLE GET THEIR FIGHTERS BACK
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:33 ] Babs Johnson > we scan him out
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:34 ] Shamis Orzoz > NOBODY EVER DOES THAT
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:37 ] Shamis Orzoz > CERTAINLY NOT FOR US
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:38 ] Babs Johnson > we attack
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:47 ] Babs Johnson > we do everything to be expected under the circumstances
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:47:59 ] GM Huginn > standard procedure, we help carrier pilots who lose connection to retrieve fighters
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:04 ] Babs Johnson > and this GM intervenes in the battle
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:05 ] Shamis Orzoz > FALSE
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:06 ] Shamis Orzoz > liar
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:08 ] GM Huginn > anyone who's flying a carrier can tell you that
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:14 ] Shamis Orzoz > BULLSHIT
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:19 ] Shamis Orzoz > rivek
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:21 ] mazzilliu > the carrier pilot didnt do his part to get out of harms way
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:22 ] Shamis Orzoz > do you fly a carrier
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:23 ] Shamis Orzoz > ?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:24 ] GM Huginn > he transfered the player to him
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:25 ] Rivek > I fly a carrier, i have never recieved help for that
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:28 ] GM Huginn > the player was docked
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:32 ] Shamis Orzoz > nor has rasta
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:47 ] Rivek > there is an in-game mechanism for retrieving lost drones and fighters, called scan probing
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:50 ] GM Huginn > i don't fly a carrier, i fly a frigate
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:51 ] Shamis Orzoz > liar liar pants on fire
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:48:57 ] Shamis Orzoz > cheaters
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:00 ] GM Huginn > i wear a skirt
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:04 ] Shamis Orzoz > cheating skirt
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:05 ] GM Huginn > can't you tell i'm a girl
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:11 ] Shamis Orzoz > a cheating girl
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:20 ] GM Huginn > i'm not lying to you and would have nothing to gain by that
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:20 ] Shamis Orzoz > just go away and let us play your broken game in peace
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:25 ] Shamis Orzoz > liar
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:39 ] Babs Johnson > so at what point after this "help" does the player become fair game again?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:43 ] GM Huginn > the player petitioned that he'd lost connection, asked us to help him retrieve the drones
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:48 ] Shamis Orzoz > just go ahead and delete my last 2 petitions
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:49:53 ] Shamis Orzoz > I know they won't be answered anyway
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:04 ] Babs Johnson > he petitioned you at what time? after we engaged or before?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:08 ] Shamis Orzoz > go away liar
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:10 ] GM Huginn > a gm came into the system and transfered the player out of the station to the location of the drones
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:12 ] Rivek > huginn, if you can scan them with a probe, why do gms have to intervene?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:22 ] Babs Johnson > that's not true, we saw him undock
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:27 ] M Counts > while you're here, you guys owe me 5 ogre IIs from a domi i got disconnected from earlier
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:34 ] GM Huginn > he retrieved the drones and had just finished doing so, when you came to the spot and attacked him
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:35 ] Babs Johnson > let me be clear, we saw him undock
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:38 ] GM Ytterbium > I told him to undock
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:44 ] M Counts > i'll take the in my hangar thanks
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:49 ] Shamis Orzoz > why couldn't he scan probe his drones like everfybody else?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:51 ] GM Huginn > he was only here because the gm transfered him to the spot
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:50:55 ] GM Ytterbium > I was unsure I could move him if he was docked.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:15 ] Shamis Orzoz > liar
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:17 ] GM Huginn > now, if you don't accept this, you will have to file a petition about the matter, only one of you do so
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:18 ] GM Huginn > so
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:23 ] GM Huginn > choose one
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:24 ] M Counts > quick game mechanics question here
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:27 ] Shamis Orzoz > so you can delete it
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:27 ] GM Huginn > and file a petition
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:33 ] M Counts > how do you know theyre his fighters?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:46 ] GM Ytterbium > We got tools to check fighter property.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:47 ] Babs Johnson > I'm done then, there are serious ethical issues here and we'll take them up with CCP
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:53 ] M Counts > and you would REALLY search the WHOLE database to find them?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:55 ] Shamis Orzoz > just admit your a biased liar and a cheater and go away
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:51:58 ] GM Huginn > i will be most obliged to escalating this petition to the senior gm on shift tomorrow and we'll solve this ok
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:52:12 ] GM Ytterbium > I agree
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:52:15 ] Shamis Orzoz > they have a senior GM in LV?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:52:18 ] GM Ytterbium > Let us have this escalated.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:52:23 ] GM Huginn > whether we hand you the carrier pilot on a silver platter at that point, remains to be seen
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:52:34 ] Shamis Orzoz > you obviously won't do that
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:52:39 ] Shamis Orzoz > how bout you hand us your job?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:52:44 ] GM Huginn > if so you can gather enough guys like at the end of the film: The Wild Bunch
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:15 ] GM Huginn > just remember William Holden and those 3 friends of his kicked some in that scene
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:23 ] GM Huginn > you agree to those terms?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:27 ] Shamis Orzoz > So when did they change their policy on helping people get their drones?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:36 ] GM Huginn > we never changed it
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:40 ] Shamis Orzoz > FALSE
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:43 ] M Counts > ok good give me 5 ogre IIS
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:44 ] Babs Johnson > EVE-mail the policy to me please
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:45 ] Shamis Orzoz > don't you get tired of being wrong
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:48 ] GM Huginn > you know the carrier's are prone to trouble when losing connection
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:49 ] M Counts > no, wait
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:55 ] M Counts > FIND MY 5 OGRE IIS
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:53:58 ] GM Ytterbium > We always help people retrieving their fighter due to connection loss.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:00 ] GM Huginn > they can't retrieve the drones - fighters by the way
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:03 ] M Counts > theyre in syndicate somewhere
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:06 ] Shamis Orzoz > FALSE
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:17 ] GM Huginn > who are in space, they fly off and are lost someplace
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:23 ] GM Huginn > you should change your name Shamis
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:34 ] GM Huginn > False Orzoz might suite you
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:45 ] Kiriz Zule > very professional
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:53 ] GM Huginn > i'm being professional
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:55 ] Babs Johnson > Huginn your credibility is fleeting
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:54:59 ] M Counts > I love CCP cusromter service?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:55:03 ] GM Huginn > but i don't like being interrupted over and over again
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:55:12 ] Shamis Orzoz > You should just leave before you further incriminate yourself
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:55:14 ] GM Huginn > i'm being fair about this and i promise you a fair deal
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:55:40 ] GM Huginn > do you condone such reactions?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:55:43 ] Shamis Orzoz > If you want to be fair you should give us his fitting
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:55:51 ] GM Huginn > i'm explaining a matter here
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:55:57 ] Shamis Orzoz > Do you condone favortism?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:56:03 ] GM Huginn > and i will do my best to be fair to you as well as him
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:56:13 ] Shamis Orzoz > you've already been more than fair to him
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:56:28 ] GM Huginn > we are not favouring players, i think our players know that
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:56:47 ] Shamis Orzoz > you mean your corp mates?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:56:56 ] GM Huginn > ok
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:57:18 ] Shamis Orzoz > Dude, I haven't even had a petition answered in over a year. Let alone get damn fighters back
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:57:22 ] GM Huginn > just choose one of the corp/alliance to file a petition about this, that's it
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:57:32 ] GM Ytterbium > And it will be escalated.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:58:04 ] GM Ytterbium > And I am ready to assume all the consequences after the Senior GM investigation.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:58:13 ] GM Huginn > and Shamis, I'm sorry for my reactions earlier
    ?[ 2007.01.06 04:58:27 ] GM Huginn > got a bit carried away there
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:00:37 ] Babs Johnson > so is the GM intervention over? At what piont can we continue to play according to game mechanics?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:00:45 ] h4x3r009r > next week
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:00:48 ] GM Ytterbium > Ok, I am now leaving this system. Again, please choose one of your corporation/alliance to file a petition about this and it will be escalated. I am sincerely sorry for all this trouble.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:00:57 ] h4x3r009r > no point
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:01:03 ] Babs Johnson > GM a question before you leave, why did you not. . .
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:01:16 ] Babs Johnson > direct us to stop shooting until his armor was gone?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:01:37 ] GM Ytterbium > I was arguing if I had to intervene or not.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:01:48 ] Babs Johnson > if you brought him to you, you were here, but it took you until his armor was gone
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:01:51 ] Babs Johnson > to say anything to us
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:01:57 ] GM Ytterbium > Exactly.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:02:07 ] Babs Johnson > thank you
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:02:14 ] GM Ytterbium > I saw the covert ops uncloak and scramble him
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:02:18 ] M Counts > but im sure theres a ccp policy about intervention during GM actions
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:02:25 ] M Counts > what is that?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:02:30 ] Babs Johnson > my log will show how long that took
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:04 ] GM Ytterbium > And it was an helios by the way.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:20 ] GM Ytterbium > I am now leaving. Sorry again for the trouble.
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:27 ] mazzilliu > !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:28 ] Baroti > Have a nide day
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:30 ] Kram X > a helios*
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:33 ] Bigg Country > cya guys thx
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:44 ] M Counts > AGAIN, what is the CCP policy about combat during GM actions
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:47 ] LiL Beaver > You are a disgrace to the CORP
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:03:48 ] Bigg Country > keep u the good work
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:04:06 ] LiL Beaver > Dropt eh Semper Fi
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:04:21 ] Bigg Country > SEMPER FI
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:04:25 ] zibelthurdos > so the carrier can't scan down and collect his own drones?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:04:33 ] mazzilliu > do smartbombs work against these things
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:04:49 ] mazzilliu > cant target gms
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:05:20 ] Lux Aeterna > 99.9% resists
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:05:22 ] baileydogg > he had millions of hit point
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:05:24 ] baileydogg > s
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:05:41 ] mazzilliu > orz
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:06:26 ] Bigg Country > semper fi means always faithful for u none USMC peps
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:06:41 ] Bigg Country > anyways cya laterz
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:06:48 ] Black 1 > suck my infantry -----
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:07:45 ] GM Huginn > just checking to see whose drones they were
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:08:02 ] Shamis Orzoz > We should've just killed him
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:08:18 ] baileydogg > nice to know you can still jam a carrier
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:08:41 ] Black 1 > nice to know winers get there way
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:08:45 ] mazzilliu > hey GMhuginn can i see how much damage smartbombs do to your ship
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:08:52 ] GM Huginn > sure
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:09:11 ] mazzilliu > i am going to go get them then dont kill me >=[
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:09:28 ] GM Huginn > you are serious?
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:09:33 ] mazzilliu > i really want to
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:09:52 ] mazzilliu > ofcourse im serious!
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:10:09 ] baileydogg > Surely you can;t be serious......
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:10:12 ] mazzilliu > if i kill you.... just petition or soemthing :]
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:10:35 ] Lux Aeterna > you'll get it back in a few months
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:10:39 ] Hulka > <3 Mazz!
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:10:48 ] baileydogg > I am serious, and stop calling my Shirley
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:11:11 ] Baroti > Only if you come over tonight BD
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:11:19 ] Baroti > I have a new toy
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:11:36 ] baileydogg > Baroti you ruin everything
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:11:52 ] mazzilliu > fitted and warping to you... thanks awesome gm
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:11:52 ] Baroti >
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:11:54 ] baileydogg > name the movie, Baroti
    ?[ 2007.01.06 05:11:55 ] h4x3r009r > Huginn, you better go save the russians from us over in k-m, I heard they lost a drone before we entered

    BestSigEver :P

  • fishercfisherc Member Posts: 134
    Doesn't this belong in the EVE Forum?
  • TaelTael Member Posts: 28
    lol, eve, lol , scandal
  • cosycosy Member UncommonPosts: 3,228

    Originally posted by fisherc
    Doesn't this belong in the EVE Forum?

    one more link 4 u

    BestSigEver :P

  • WARCRYtmWARCRYtm Member Posts: 875
    Originally posted by fisherc

    Doesn't this belong in the EVE Forum?
    He doest post there becasue people know this is all Flaming
  • Havoc01Havoc01 Member Posts: 113

    Meh, I showed other possible reasons for what you have, and the OP, assume are "Dev/gm favoritism".

    I also pointed out it happens in other games, there have been posts accusing "Dev/gm favoritism" in WoW before, saying that they help a certain guild beat some raid instance, or something stupid like that.

    Oh, and those some called chat logs that have been posted are very easy to fake, and many people do fake them to try and prove a certain group is somehow cheating. EVE logs chat into a text file that can be edited.

    CCP > some random guy accusing them of favoritism

  • McgreagMcgreag Member UncommonPosts: 495

    Originally posted by Havoc01
    Oh, and those some called chat logs that have been posted are very easy to fake, and many people do fake them to try and prove a certain group is somehow cheating. EVE logs chat into a text file that can be edited.
    CCP > some random guy accusing them of favoritism

    If that chat log is faked then he should have done a better job. The only thing that log show are 2 GMs doing their job as they should by the book.

    No favorism, no cheating, nothing what so ever to complain about.

    "Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."

  • CopelandCopeland Member Posts: 1,955

    Originally posted by Havoc01
    This thread loses at teh internets.
    You know, WoW GM probably abuse their powers, but since the servers are small, and you don't lose anything from them cheating, it really doesn't get talked about.It happens in every game, saying it only happens in EVE makes you look stupid, get a clue. POSs going offline?
    Spies in ASCN turning them off, telling BoB when they run out of fuel, or just ASCN was too disorganized to fuel them.Oh, and the post about "It is a well known fact devs are in BoB, DUR" the best guilds, corps, alliances always get accused of cheating, hacking, having dev help, etc. It is called jealousy, or they are trying to prove they aren't really losing because the other side cheats.imageI am glad you guys won't play EVE, play WoW and suck the raid grind."WoW haz mur playz it iz the beter cuz of dat, lol."

    Played EVE for 2 years. I stand by my comment. BoB cheats. BoB isn't the best. Many times we've fought them to a standstill. They make no headway. Usually when they win there's suspicious circumstances.

  • stickmstickm Member Posts: 219
    Originally posted by Mcgreag


    Originally posted by Havoc01

    Oh, and those some called chat logs that have been posted are very easy to fake, and many people do fake them to try and prove a certain group is somehow cheating. EVE logs chat into a text file that can be edited.

    CCP > some random guy accusing them of favoritism

    If that chat log is faked then he should have done a better job. The only thing that log show are 2 GMs doing their job as they should by the book.


    No favorism, no cheating, nothing what so ever to complain about.



    Well im no expert but that convo is favoratism. If they are going to help 1 person then they have to help everyone... and if they cant help everyone then they shouldn't be helping anyone... Basically there freinds will ge the help but the 10,000 other people who have the same problem... well there isn't enough time to help them all.

    This is why games refuse to give you back your items no matter what happens. Its the only fair way to do it.

  • BonzarBonzar Member Posts: 176
    Good one, Cope, that's some strong evidence. In fact, that's what this whole mess is missing; EVIDENCE.

    We have a chat log that looks like it was pasted in as true text. Couldn't possibly be altered, could it? And then someone saying that this Titan was supposedly undefeatable, supposedly the pilot went link-dead "mysteriously" and some other stuff, but he says "it's common knowledge that" not "supposedly".

    Maybe you all should just find a new game to play. I wouldn't stick around when I thought that GMs or Devs were bending rules. I also wouldn't be so selfish as to say that they don't have the right to play the game because "they should be working". Then again, I'm a genius and not a fucking moron.


  • FrostenFrosten Member Posts: 5
    Goodbye EVE!

    Once again I enter the lands of no MMORPGs. There is no way I will spend my time on a game like that.

    If it hadn't been for all the trial accounts EVE would be nothing more than a playground for veteran players only.
  • McgreagMcgreag Member UncommonPosts: 495

    Originally posted by stickm

    Well im no expert but that convo is favoratism. If they are going to help 1 person then they have to help everyone... and if they cant help everyone then they shouldn't be helping anyone... Basically there freinds will ge the help but the 10,000 other people who have the same problem... well there isn't enough time to help them all.
    This is why games refuse to give you back your items no matter what happens. Its the only fair way to do it.

    So you have petitioned about loss of fighters due to disconnection and not got help picking them up? Because if you haven't then the above is just an empty accusation with no evidence like all other accusations about favorism I have seen so far.

    The GMs where doing their job exactly as they should and where VERY forthcoming to the ones complaining in that chat. Especially considering how badly they behaved.

    "Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."

  • Beatnik59Beatnik59 Member UncommonPosts: 2,413
    Originally posted by TreborLocke

    GM favoritism has only happened one time in EVE's history and the guy got the boot. 


    So is it that GM favoritism has only happened once?  Or GM favoritism was only exposed once?

    I think it goes without saying that this sort of thing looks bad.  That is why you hide it well, do damage control, and cover it up when it happens.  All of which are very easy to do if you are CCP.

    I mean, why should CCP care about helping out their subscriber friends in a "wink/nudge" way?  They admit that CCP is different because they establish close relations with the players, but come on people, do you really think that CCP can be "chummy chummy" with every two bit subscriber on Tranq?  Get real.  Despite what CCP says, we never were considered worthy of this "deeper level" of developer attention, and we never will be.  We are just cash to them, while BoB are friends.

    They help BoB out, because many of them are personal friends with BoB, and that isn't going to change.  I mean, would you dump your friends because your job told you to?  If you do, then you are a pretty poor excuse for a friend.

    You see, CCP knows that they don't have to do anything to stop or prevent favoritism.  Not because it doesn't look bad, but because its so easy to deny, and so impossible to prove without the plausable deniability.  Anybody who could discover this sort of "wink/nudge" relationship would almost certainly have to do naughty things to find out, and then, who is going to believe the person who is doing such naughty things?

    In short, the arguments here that CCP could never allow such a thing to disrupt their game, hasn't considered that CCP in no way needs to clamp down on the practice, so long as they clamp down on the evidence when it does arise.  That's why if anyone is going to be "investigated," its going to be the one who found all this stuff out, and leaked it.

    There is simply no reason for CCP to stop helping their friends in BoB, when all they really have to do is discredit the evidence, shut up the whistle blowers, and make it seem as if it never existed.  Making allegations of corruption go away is far easier, and far more effective, than dealing with the corruption.  It isn't like Interpol is going to run an investigation, or the American Congress, or the Icelandic police, if CCP makes it all go away.

    Come on man.  Even if its true, admitting it, changing things, or firing devs is just stupid, when they can say, "no evidence of wrongdoing has been found," have you all believe it as you always do, and still be thought of as a company that takes such things "seriously."

    "Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."

    "...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
    --Hellmar, CEO of CCP.

    "It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
    --Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE

  • DinionDinion Member Posts: 879
    Originally posted by Copeland


    Originally posted by Havoc01

    This thread loses at teh internets.

    You know, WoW GM probably abuse their powers, but since the servers are small, and you don't lose anything from them cheating, it really doesn't get talked about.
    It happens in every game, saying it only happens in EVE makes you look stupid, get a clue. POSs going offline?

    Spies in ASCN turning them off, telling BoB when they run out of fuel, or just ASCN was too disorganized to fuel them.
    Oh, and the post about "It is a well known fact devs are in BoB, DUR" the best guilds, corps, alliances always get accused of cheating, hacking, having dev help, etc. It is called jealousy, or they are trying to prove they aren't really losing because the other side cheats.
    I am glad you guys won't play EVE, play WoW and suck the raid grind.
    "WoW haz mur playz it iz the beter cuz of dat, lol."


    Played EVE for 2 years. I stand by my comment. BoB cheats. BoB isn't the best. Many times we've fought them to a standstill. They make no headway. Usually when they win there's suspicious circumstances.

    I can't say for certain or not if BoB cheats or not, I've been in alliances threatened by BoB but never actaully been to war with them. What I do know is that BoB ruins the game : /. I'm more or less on an extended vocation from EVE right now. Don't get me wrong it's a good game and I do enjoy it but the lack of customer service and the ignoring of exploits by the devs and GMs puts me off.

    MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.

    MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.

    MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.

  • CasualGamerCasualGamer Member Posts: 55
    I left EVE for a lot of reasons part of which is that it became like scam central, which CCP condones. As far as favoritism well there is a reason why "piracy" is so rampant in EVE and BOB is GOD.
  • leipurileipuri Member Posts: 559
    And now the guy who reported these abuses was banned? I guess CCP didn't like being caught red handed.
  • Veiled_lightVeiled_light Member UncommonPosts: 855

    It was probally a frigging GM, hardly a developer lol. CCP have no control if someone wants to do this, no company does but they have control to chuck them off the team.


    Geez stop being sooo dramatic

  • WARCRYtmWARCRYtm Member Posts: 875

    Are you people all blind????

    The guy who "reported" is an haker, is heven dangerous to go to the pages he got us, he haked BoB forum( and probably edited)

    If you go to this link you will se ACSN boss sayng how he lost his big ship, and it have nothing to do with GM´s or devs

    I just see biased people here that think and haker is the voice of god, do you belive wen a rober says that other people robes?


    PS.Why resorect this buried tred? People at this bords are only hapy bashing games and Devs

  • fishercfisherc Member Posts: 134

    In a game like eve, there is much at stake.

    A quesiton everyone should ask themselves is, with Dev/GM Corruption bound to happen and there being years of effort at stake in some cases (ASCN Outposts lost etc), Should Devs/GMS be allowed to play in Customer alliances?

    weigh in on the proper forum board: 

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