Eve will not die for a long, long time. The fans are strong minded, and while I couldn't get into the game itself, while I was playing the trial, I noticed that the players were intelligent and helpful. They know what they are doing, and they will keep playing. That said, if enough people leave, it will not be able to support its own weight, and must therefore go under. I don't see that happening, though.
as long as they are allowed to lie in their advertising, and cover up all their lies to the playerbase via their propaganda machine, then they can keep conning new people to sign up...
the only chance those poor souls have to avoid wasting their cash, is for other sites to post the information...
The wonder of the internet, no matter how hard one group tries, the truth can still survive...this time the truth is, ccp can not be trusted, and it is best to look for another game.
ccp the "we cheat for our buddies and are proud of it" company...
I have cancelled not because I hope to bring down the game, but because the game has been soured - and I get no joy from playing it. These issues in themselves will not bring down Eve. The majority of the playerbase don't even know it has happened. However, this issue is so well documented and discussed - and will be remembered - that it in itself will force a new level of accountability on CCP. If Kugustmen isn't all talk, and can produce similar issues on a regular basis, then Eve will go down. I would say that you will start to see significant percentages lost between the 3rd and 5th scandal. I would say more then quitting players that these allegations will effect new players. I don't think as many people will sign up for Eve - I might be completely wrong on that. I know I wouldn't. In any case, Eve won't fold. Cheers.
For myself, the balance in 0.0 is not important yet (2 months old char) but the time will come. So I expect CCP to get a better grip on employee cheating. If they don't and there are a few more incidents like this, I will eventually lose interest in the game bacause playing against rigged odds is no fun.
But considering that even SWG still exists, I think EVE would survive the leaving of the hardcore PVP crowd.
Not gonna hurt eve a bit the people who been around for years arent going anywhere there as no mass exodus after the bank scam and on devs abuse is not going to trigger it either. Stuff like this has happened before anyone remember the crazy gm in eq1 who summoned people to VP to feed the dragons? Doesnt mean all devs do it. The people who would quit over this are more than likely on trials or would quit after getting popped in low sec for the first time.
Not gonna hurt eve a bit the people who been around for years arent going anywhere there as no mass exodus after the bank scam and on devs abuse is not going to trigger it either. Stuff like this has happened before anyone remember the crazy gm in eq1 who summoned people to VP to feed the dragons? Doesnt mean all devs do it. The people who would quit over this are more than likely on trials or would quit after getting popped in low sec for the first time.
This is substantively different from the Eve Investment Bank scam - good grief, this isn't even in the same category. This is a matter of CCP proving themselves to be untrsutworthy. If you feel that CCP is still worth your business after careful consideration of their behavior, that's fine. But those that are harping the line that "it wasn't that big a deal and the people quitting are just newbs/whiners/trial accounts besides not all devs do it" just demonstrate that they do not understand the underlying issue.
you people who are crying about the sky falling need to wake up and smell the cofee. There aren't mass quittings going on in EVE. Not one single member of my alliance has left the game over this... not one. Nor have there been any reports from any of our 'allies' that they've had any significant loss of players.
All told I am willing to bet that only a few hundred, if even that many, players leave EVE over this. And, to be honest, the game will be a lot more fun with that many fewer OMFGTheWorldIsEnding Whiners in the game. Yes, it's a shame this happened. Yes, I'm not exactly thrilled with how CCP handled the situation, especially initially. Nor am I happy that T20 doesn't appear to be getting fired over it. But:
EVE is still the same game today as it has been for the past 4 years. The "scandal" has been in place for over 2 years and has yet to 'affect' me in any significant or meaningful way. Now that it's been brought to light I'm hopeful that future occurances will not happen. So... why quit? Everything that happened in this 'scandal' happened over a year ago. Quitting now is silly. But hey, if you want to waste the effort you put into developing your character, corp or alliance? By all means, quit... but before you go please transfer all your isk to Taram Caldar... I could really use the money.
I don't really care about your stuff though... It'd take too long to go haul it all Unless you happen to live in Vale... then maybe we can work something out
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
as long as they are allowed to lie in their advertising, and cover up all their lies to the playerbase via their propaganda machine, then they can keep conning new people to sign up...
the only chance those poor souls have to avoid wasting their cash, is for other sites to post the information...
The wonder of the internet, no matter how hard one group tries, the truth can still survive...this time the truth is, ccp can not be trusted, and it is best to look for another game.
1. This type of things are not new in EVE just SOP.
2. I dare say 90% of the players have no Idea of any of this or the other incedents, nor will they ever find out about them.
3. There are better reasions to quit. Voting with your feet is effective, I cancled account after Rev patch went live, and on the questionare where it asked reasion for quitting I listed "Lied to by CCP about reverse enginnering being in game, again..."
4. There really is no other game aout there right now that offers the 2 things that makes EVE unique (at this point in time) A: There is simply no decent SCI FI MMOGs yet. B: The is no Risk for PK/GPs, EVE is the only MMOG that allows players to break the law and suffer no real penelties. Name another game where you can go in and kill the town guards and all the civs and then walk into the market and are still allowed to buy and sell and go about your buisness.
Does CCP lie cheat and bend the rules to suit them... DUH What do you expect from a game created by one of the largest PK groups in AO? Why do I play EVE, because it is the only game my clan, of 12 years, is active in.
What would it take for EVE to fold? Well see you would think, just a better SCI FI game but that would not do it, yes you would have a majority of the population leave but some would never leave because a better SCI fi game would be balanced at true RVR in PVP, but if the Prats wanted true RVR or true PVP they would be playing BF. No EVE will not fold though it may become as deserted as SWG.
3. There are better reasions to quit. Voting with your feet is effective, I cancled account after Rev patch went live, and on the questionare where it asked reasion for quitting I listed "Lied to by CCP about reverse enginnering being in game, again..."
Your signature says you have played Eve this week for 16 hours. The Revelations patch went live a good while ago so either you didn't quit when Rev came out or there's something wrong with your x-fire.
Originally posted by LeJohn
4. There really is no other game aout there right now that offers the 2 things that makes EVE unique (at this point in time) A: There is simply no decent SCI FI MMOGs yet. B: The is no Risk for PK/GPs, EVE is the only MMOG that allows players to break the law and suffer no real penelties. Name another game where you can go in and kill the town guards and all the civs and then walk into the market and are still allowed to buy and sell and go about your buisness.
Except that actually breaking the law in eve lowers your security rating and incrementally forbids you from access to higher security systems, one of which is the primary market system in the game.
Insert signature that doesn't break the rules here
I was never part of any forum, and consider myself part of the "90%" that had no idea about all this dev cheat stuff...
So enjoying the game dynamics, i get my account suspended without any notice for payment reasons....
That's my fault fair enough, but after trying to speak with them about it, the level of customer service was absolutely ridiculous. They closed all my petitions without replying... they ignored all my requests to at least be allowed to dock (i was disconnected while in corp war), and 12 hours later, i got an email saying "were we to give everyone notice before suspending accounts, majority of players would consider this spam"..... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, so i personally don't even care if devs play and cheat INSIDE EVE... but this is affecting my being able to even play it!
The point being, i'm so pissed off with them, that even being unaware of this issue, i'm quiting EVE and going to try out this Vanguard thing for now...
Thats what you get when you hire children to play games... there's no sense of business AT ALL.
I don't think Eve will fold because of this, but they will lose customers as usual and as they lose people more people will start paying from the trials...I'm not sure of their actual numbers or turn over rate but believe the average rate of people staying is roughly 5 - 7 months before getting bored and moving on........
what would cause Eve to fold would be more obvious continued corruption and more buggy expansions that affected the majority....
Currently Eve is the best sci-fi game out there, above jumpgate, SWG, & Earth & beyond, & AO......I believe all 4 of these either have folded or will soon........
========================== The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
First I want to thank everyone for their opinions here. I think everyone deserves to express their opinion, and luckily we have MMORPG.com that lets us do that. This was the primary reason I quit EvE. I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t have left solely due to the developer keeping his job, but CCP didn’t give me the chance to find out.
I also want to point out a couple of things that bother me about some of your opinions, mainly because some of you have kids. Cheating along with stealing is an addictive behavior (the actions of this dev were actually both?). When you walk in your teenagers room and he has a rubber band around his arm and a heroin needle in his hand you can comforted in the fact that you just stopped him from using heroin. He will of course tell you it was the first time and he won’t do it again. Are you following the analogy now? My point is that there was defiantly other cheating and it was way bigger than the thing they were caught doing. I’m drawing this conclusion from psychology and logic, not tinfoilery.
Some people might say “So what they cheated? It didn’t affect me.” Well some of you just want to believe this, and I understand that. In reality (yes, I know it’s ironic) the economy of EvE is very inter-woven. It is very similar to our real-life economy. Which also makes it super complicated. When it comes to third-world gold farmers ruining the economy trying to feed their under-weight children, I see people spew with hatred. I’ll agree with you they affect the economy in a negative way, but how is that? They introduce more labor into the game, which devalues the labor that a casual gamer would put in. This of course makes things cost more. This can’t be solved by making the npc’s give more loot/currency, because of course the gold farmers would also get more. Do you see the similarity now, with the gold farmers and the cheating developers affecting you? The main difference I see is that the gold farmer is poor and needs some source of income for food and medical care, and the cheating developer of course needs to wtfpwn you with his missiles.
First I want to thank everyone for their opinions here. I think everyone deserves to express their opinion, and luckily we have MMORPG.com that lets us do that. This was the primary reason I quit EvE. I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t have left solely due to the developer keeping his job, but CCP didn’t give me the chance to find out.
I also want to point out a couple of things that bother me about some of your opinions, mainly because some of you have kids. Cheating along with stealing is an addictive behavior (the actions of this dev were actually both?). When you walk in your teenagers room and he has a rubber band around his arm and a heroin needle in his hand you can comforted in the fact that you just stopped him from using heroin. He will of course tell you it was the first time and he won’t do it again. Are you following the analogy now? My point is that there was defiantly other cheating and it was way bigger than the thing they were caught doing. I’m drawing this conclusion from psychology and logic, not tinfoilery.
Some people might say “So what they cheated? It didn’t affect me.” Well some of you just want to believe this, and I understand that. In reality (yes, I know it’s ironic) the economy of EvE is very inter-woven. It is very similar to our real-life economy. Which also makes it super complicated. When it comes to third-world gold farmers ruining the economy trying to feed their under-weight children, I see people spew with hatred. I’ll agree with you they affect the economy in a negative way, but how is that? They introduce more labor into the game, which devalues the labor that a casual gamer would put in. This of course makes things cost more. This can’t be solved by making the npc’s give more loot/currency, because of course the gold farmers would also get more. Do you see the similarity now, with the gold farmers and the cheating developers affecting you? The main difference I see is that the gold farmer is poor and needs some source of income for food and medical care, and the cheating developer of course needs to wtfpwn you with his missiles.
I wonder how many times must CCP scam, before the player base throws their hands up in disgust and all quit en-mass...
========================== The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
It's like some girls I know that are in bad relationships... they stick to their man because they belive they can change him, even when he cheats, beats and everything.
I left in february when my subs went out I choosed not to renew it because of the cheating back then, CCP did not work out that one very well and left BoB off the hook back then too.
SirMolle did name Kuguts on their forums, and broke the EULA and yet CCP only choosed to punish and ban Kuguts for the same crime, while their pal in BoB they choose not to punish.
I find that kind of behavior totally unacceptable so I no longer will pay to play anything that got CCP brand on it...
I don't think Eve will fold because of this, but they will lose customers as usual and as they lose people more people will start paying from the trials...I'm not sure of their actual numbers or turn over rate but believe the average rate of people staying is roughly 5 - 7 months before getting bored and moving on........ what would cause Eve to fold would be more obvious continued corruption and more buggy expansions that affected the majority.... Currently Eve is the best sci-fi game out there, above jumpgate, SWG, & Earth & beyond, & AO......I believe all 4 of these either have folded or will soon........
So how many times does CCP and BoB have to cheat before it is enough ? 1, 2 (well that have happend already), 3 maybe ? .. 4... or will 5 do ?
As far as I can see CCP have already sort of stopped, they have not been any records broken since before february where they had one cheat discovered.
It means they must have lost atleast 2000 players, or atleast 2000 players have choosen not to pay for the game.. even after trails.
If game continue to have 32000 people logged in on peaktimes sundays I suppose they have not lost many players at all.. or atleast manage to replace those who left (I know a few who have or will leave because of this latest).
There 21,000 people online at the moment 28,000 a few hours ago.. i dont think its going to fold any time soon do u..
We are proceeding with our investigations into the four allegations brought to our attention - alleged misconduct on the part of two developers in separate incidents, removal of a volunteer from the program and bias within the event team concerning an event arc, the last an incident which has already been investigated in the past. This information has also been posted to this forum thread.
While we are not able to address all four incidents in this announcement, I would like to take the opportunity to report the results of one investigation, CCP Sharkbait joining a player corporation.
In the past, CCP Sharkbait has joined player corporations when CCP has been petitioned with issues and specific case bug reports. In these rare instances, he has joined the corporation, verified information not available through the server interface and removed himself from the corporation. His departure from the corporation leaves an eve-mail in the CEO's inbox, thus showing his presence in the corporation for a short time.
This instance was brought about as the result of a player-submitted petition. Sharkbait joined the corporation to investigate and resolve an issue reported by a member of the corporation in question. While the method may be viewed as unorthodox, the information gained is vital to the continued QA effort and enjoyment of EVE by the corporation in question. Our investigation shows Sharkbait was not involved in any malicious or nefarious actions requiring administrative action.
We will continue to post updates on the status of the other investigation when information is available. We will also announce our findings when they have been completed.
The NGE didnt kill SWG (no matter what the SOE haters and angry game vets say)....this wont kill Eve. Both games will have support untill someone comes up with a better way to do what they do, and so few games even try to give a SciFi MMO experience. Now if this was some fantasy game where there are hundreds of the the answer may be different
Dont quit, just rally up against the band of developers, many secret plans are on the development tables now of major alliance in eve on how to take down BOB, it's gonna happen real soon, past enemies will fight alongside you, to get rid of this scurge we call BOD
Clearly show's, that CCP will not do anything about this, it's up to the community, im assisting
Sorry if this is a bit of thread drift but isn't that a silly suggestion? I mean if all the alligations (or even just a few) are true then BoD basically owns CCP and you can't beat them. In fact all your doing is making their day. Gotta admit even they'd get bored if they didn't have a whipping boy to beat up on. You'd have as much a chance against BoD as a fox in a fox hunt against the hunters.
Dont quit, just rally up against the band of developers, many secret plans are on the development tables now of major alliance in eve on how to take down BOB, it's gonna happen real soon, past enemies will fight alongside you, to get rid of this scurge we call BOD
Clearly show's, that CCP will not do anything about this, it's up to the community, im assisting
Sorry if this is a bit of thread drift but isn't that a silly suggestion? I mean if all the alligations (or even just a few) are true then BoD basically owns CCP and you can't beat them. In fact all your doing is making their day. Gotta admit even they'd get bored if they didn't have a whipping boy to beat up on. You'd have as much a chance against BoD as a fox in a fox hunt against the hunters.
That is what people did not understand before the great war... it was doomed long before it lost it drive, even if I where a great PvP'er I would not give any ship to BoB or pets....
That is why I made my case, and closed my accounts with 10 battleships in it, and stuff for like 2 billion atleast in hangars... this included 3 battlecruiser bpo's (researched), 2 tech 2 ammo bpo's... and many other stuff.
no way I would give BoB the pleasure to destroy that, it stands in the hangar..
My credit card expired a few weeks ago, so I was dropped from active subscription before this all happened. I was going to resubscribe under my new credit card the day this all happened.
Needless to say, I'm not so eager to resub just yet. Shame too. I just got a new rig with dual core/x1950 Radeon/vista/Dx10/gobs of RAM wairting for the advanced graphics to come out for this game.
__________________________ "Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it." --Arcken
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints." --Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls." --Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
3. There are better reasions to quit. Voting with your feet is effective, I cancled account after Rev patch went live, and on the questionare where it asked reasion for quitting I listed "Lied to by CCP about reverse enginnering being in game, again..."
Your signature says you have played Eve this week for 16 hours. The Revelations patch went live a good while ago so either you didn't quit when Rev came out or there's something wrong with your x-fire.
Originally posted by LeJohn
4. There really is no other game aout there right now that offers the 2 things that makes EVE unique (at this point in time) A: There is simply no decent SCI FI MMOGs yet. B: The is no Risk for PK/GPs, EVE is the only MMOG that allows players to break the law and suffer no real penelties. Name another game where you can go in and kill the town guards and all the civs and then walk into the market and are still allowed to buy and sell and go about your buisness.
Except that actually breaking the law in eve lowers your security rating and incrementally forbids you from access to higher security systems, one of which is the primary market system in the game.
Read my post again, did i say that I was not playing EVE at all? I canceled 2 accounts back in Nov/Dec which left me with 1 active. I reactivated one to give Invention a fair chance. Oh I pay for 3 months at a time so when I cancled my last 2 accounts after spending billions trying to get invention to pay out it took three (3) months that I was still playing before the first on ended Apr 28 and the last on ends on june 7th.
Oh, my problem was not that I could not invent but that the diffrence was to great. I used the base cost of manufacturing using my T2 BPOs to set the goal. For invention to be viable the cost of the produced unit must be close to the cost of my T2 BPO produced item. It could be a little higher but not the 2x for ods or 4-5 x for ships that I was getting in testing. After testing for six (6) months which I consider to be giving invention a fair chance I relized that Invention was just a red harring and that CCP had no intention of balancing the game at this point in time. I am at work right now but when I get home I will link here a list of all my BPOs as well as my invented BPCs and their costs and let you judge wheather you consider the diffrence to be balanced.
OH, back to the topic, none of the other incidents did EVE in nor will this one. However CCP may be shooting themselves in the foot with Rev 2 (revelations 2) but I will make a seperate post as I want to read everyones reactions.
Long-term, Eve will make more money by running off hardcore PvPers - freeing up resources for cashcow empire carebears!!!
Hey! Maybe this is like New Coke - it was all according to plan!!!!
the only chance those poor souls have to avoid wasting their cash, is for other sites to post the information...
The wonder of the internet, no matter how hard one group tries, the truth can still survive...this time the truth is, ccp can not be trusted, and it is best to look for another game.
ccp the "we cheat for our buddies and are proud of it" company...
playing eq2 and two worlds
OMG! Corruption in Eve?
What's next? Corruption in RL? Corrupt political leaders???
Where will it end????
I support Belgiums efforts to get noticed ... at all.
For myself, the balance in 0.0 is not important yet (2 months old char) but the time will come. So I expect CCP to get a better grip on employee cheating. If they don't and there are a few more incidents like this, I will eventually lose interest in the game bacause playing against rigged odds is no fun.
But considering that even SWG still exists, I think EVE would survive the leaving of the hardcore PVP crowd.
Not gonna hurt eve a bit the people who been around for years arent going anywhere there as no mass exodus after the bank scam and on devs abuse is not going to trigger it either. Stuff like this has happened before anyone remember the crazy gm in eq1 who summoned people to VP to feed the dragons? Doesnt mean all devs do it. The people who would quit over this are more than likely on trials or would quit after getting popped in low sec for the first time.
All told I am willing to bet that only a few hundred, if even that many, players leave EVE over this. And, to be honest, the game will be a lot more fun with that many fewer OMFGTheWorldIsEnding Whiners in the game. Yes, it's a shame this happened. Yes, I'm not exactly thrilled with how CCP handled the situation, especially initially. Nor am I happy that T20 doesn't appear to be getting fired over it. But:
EVE is still the same game today as it has been for the past 4 years. The "scandal" has been in place for over 2 years and has yet to 'affect' me in any significant or meaningful way. Now that it's been brought to light I'm hopeful that future occurances will not happen. So... why quit? Everything that happened in this 'scandal' happened over a year ago. Quitting now is silly. But hey, if you want to waste the effort you put into developing your character, corp or alliance? By all means, quit... but before you go please transfer all your isk to Taram Caldar... I could really use the money.
I don't really care about your stuff though... It'd take too long to go haul it all Unless you happen to live in Vale... then maybe we can work something out
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
sounds alot like WoW
Ya eve will fold up and everyone will go play wow and live happly ever after...... give me a break
No EVE will not fold because:
1. This type of things are not new in EVE just SOP.
2. I dare say 90% of the players have no Idea of any of this or the other incedents, nor will they ever find out about them.
3. There are better reasions to quit. Voting with your feet is effective, I cancled account after Rev patch went live, and on the questionare where it asked reasion for quitting I listed "Lied to by CCP about reverse enginnering being in game, again..."
4. There really is no other game aout there right now that offers the 2 things that makes EVE unique (at this point in time) A: There is simply no decent SCI FI MMOGs yet. B: The is no Risk for PK/GPs, EVE is the only MMOG that allows players to break the law and suffer no real penelties. Name another game where you can go in and kill the town guards and all the civs and then walk into the market and are still allowed to buy and sell and go about your buisness.
Does CCP lie cheat and bend the rules to suit them... DUH What do you expect from a game created by one of the largest PK groups in AO? Why do I play EVE, because it is the only game my clan, of 12 years, is active in.
What would it take for EVE to fold? Well see you would think, just a better SCI FI game but that would not do it, yes you would have a majority of the population leave but some would never leave because a better SCI fi game would be balanced at true RVR in PVP, but if the Prats wanted true RVR or true PVP they would be playing BF. No EVE will not fold though it may become as deserted as SWG.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
Except that actually breaking the law in eve lowers your security rating and incrementally forbids you from access to higher security systems, one of which is the primary market system in the game.
Insert signature that doesn't break the rules here
So enjoying the game dynamics, i get my account suspended without any notice for payment reasons....
That's my fault fair enough, but after trying to speak with them about it, the level of customer service was absolutely ridiculous. They closed all my petitions without replying... they ignored all my requests to at least be allowed to dock (i was disconnected while in corp war), and 12 hours later, i got an email saying "were we to give everyone notice before suspending accounts, majority of players would consider this spam"..... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, so i personally don't even care if devs play and cheat INSIDE EVE... but this is affecting my being able to even play it!
The point being, i'm so pissed off with them, that even being unaware of this issue, i'm quiting EVE and going to try out this Vanguard thing for now...
Thats what you get when you hire children to play games... there's no sense of business AT ALL.
I don't think Eve will fold because of this, but they will lose customers as usual and as they lose people more people will start paying from the trials...I'm not sure of their actual numbers or turn over rate but believe the average rate of people staying is roughly 5 - 7 months before getting bored and moving on........
what would cause Eve to fold would be more obvious continued corruption and more buggy expansions that affected the majority....
Currently Eve is the best sci-fi game out there, above jumpgate, SWG, & Earth & beyond, & AO......I believe all 4 of these either have folded or will soon........
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
First I want to thank everyone for their opinions here. I think everyone deserves to express their opinion, and luckily we have MMORPG.com that lets us do that. This was the primary reason I quit EvE. I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t have left solely due to the developer keeping his job, but CCP didn’t give me the chance to find out.
I also want to point out a couple of things that bother me about some of your opinions, mainly because some of you have kids. Cheating along with stealing is an addictive behavior (the actions of this dev were actually both?). When you walk in your teenagers room and he has a rubber band around his arm and a heroin needle in his hand you can comforted in the fact that you just stopped him from using heroin. He will of course tell you it was the first time and he won’t do it again. Are you following the analogy now? My point is that there was defiantly other cheating and it was way bigger than the thing they were caught doing. I’m drawing this conclusion from psychology and logic, not tinfoilery.
Some people might say “So what they cheated? It didn’t affect me.” Well some of you just want to believe this, and I understand that. In reality (yes, I know it’s ironic) the economy of EvE is very inter-woven. It is very similar to our real-life economy. Which also makes it super complicated. When it comes to third-world gold farmers ruining the economy trying to feed their under-weight children, I see people spew with hatred. I’ll agree with you they affect the economy in a negative way, but how is that? They introduce more labor into the game, which devalues the labor that a casual gamer would put in. This of course makes things cost more. This can’t be solved by making the npc’s give more loot/currency, because of course the gold farmers would also get more. Do you see the similarity now, with the gold farmers and the cheating developers affecting you? The main difference I see is that the gold farmer is poor and needs some source of income for food and medical care, and the cheating developer of course needs to wtfpwn you with his missiles.
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
I left in february when my subs went out I choosed not to renew it because of the cheating back then, CCP did not work out that one very well and left BoB off the hook back then too.
SirMolle did name Kuguts on their forums, and broke the EULA and yet CCP only choosed to punish and ban Kuguts for the same crime, while their pal in BoB they choose not to punish.
I find that kind of behavior totally unacceptable so I no longer will pay to play anything that got CCP brand on it...
As far as I can see CCP have already sort of stopped, they have not been any records broken since before february where they had one cheat discovered.
It means they must have lost atleast 2000 players, or atleast 2000 players have choosen not to pay for the game.. even after trails.
If game continue to have 32000 people logged in on peaktimes sundays I suppose they have not lost many players at all.. or atleast manage to replace those who left (I know a few who have or will leave because of this latest).
We are proceeding with our investigations into the four allegations brought to our attention - alleged misconduct on the part of two developers in separate incidents, removal of a volunteer from the program and bias within the event team concerning an event arc, the last an incident which has already been investigated in the past. This information has also been posted to this forum thread.
While we are not able to address all four incidents in this announcement, I would like to take the opportunity to report the results of one investigation, CCP Sharkbait joining a player corporation.
In the past, CCP Sharkbait has joined player corporations when CCP has been petitioned with issues and specific case bug reports. In these rare instances, he has joined the corporation, verified information not available through the server interface and removed himself from the corporation. His departure from the corporation leaves an eve-mail in the CEO's inbox, thus showing his presence in the corporation for a short time.
This instance was brought about as the result of a player-submitted petition. Sharkbait joined the corporation to investigate and resolve an issue reported by a member of the corporation in question. While the method may be viewed as unorthodox, the information gained is vital to the continued QA effort and enjoyment of EVE by the corporation in question. Our investigation shows Sharkbait was not involved in any malicious or nefarious actions requiring administrative action.
We will continue to post updates on the status of the other investigation when information is available. We will also announce our findings when they have been completed.
CCP Arkanon
Give it a rest.
EvE is a space-game, stop playing necro's.....
Played so far: 9Dragons, AO, AC, AC2, CoX, DAoC, DF, DnL, DR, DDO, Ent, EvE, EQ, EQ2, FoMK, FFO, Fury, GW, HG:L, HZ, L1, L2, M59, MU, NC1, NC2, PS, PT, R:O, RF:O, RYL, Ryzom, SL, SB, SW:G, TR, TCoS, MX:O, UO, VG, WAR, WoW...
It all sucked.
That is what people did not understand before the great war... it was doomed long before it lost it drive, even if I where a great PvP'er I would not give any ship to BoB or pets....
That is why I made my case, and closed my accounts with 10 battleships in it, and stuff for like 2 billion atleast in hangars... this included 3 battlecruiser bpo's (researched), 2 tech 2 ammo bpo's... and many other stuff.
no way I would give BoB the pleasure to destroy that, it stands in the hangar..
My credit card expired a few weeks ago, so I was dropped from active subscription before this all happened. I was going to resubscribe under my new credit card the day this all happened.
Needless to say, I'm not so eager to resub just yet. Shame too. I just got a new rig with dual core/x1950 Radeon/vista/Dx10/gobs of RAM wairting for the advanced graphics to come out for this game.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Except that actually breaking the law in eve lowers your security rating and incrementally forbids you from access to higher security systems, one of which is the primary market system in the game.
Read my post again, did i say that I was not playing EVE at all? I canceled 2 accounts back in Nov/Dec which left me with 1 active. I reactivated one to give Invention a fair chance. Oh I pay for 3 months at a time so when I cancled my last 2 accounts after spending billions trying to get invention to pay out it took three (3) months that I was still playing before the first on ended Apr 28 and the last on ends on june 7th.
Oh, my problem was not that I could not invent but that the diffrence was to great. I used the base cost of manufacturing using my T2 BPOs to set the goal. For invention to be viable the cost of the produced unit must be close to the cost of my T2 BPO produced item. It could be a little higher but not the 2x for ods or 4-5 x for ships that I was getting in testing. After testing for six (6) months which I consider to be giving invention a fair chance I relized that Invention was just a red harring and that CCP had no intention of balancing the game at this point in time. I am at work right now but when I get home I will link here a list of all my BPOs as well as my invented BPCs and their costs and let you judge wheather you consider the diffrence to be balanced.
OH, back to the topic, none of the other incidents did EVE in nor will this one. However CCP may be shooting themselves in the foot with Rev 2 (revelations 2) but I will make a seperate post as I want to read everyones reactions.
An so it begins
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