I have no idea where to post this, so I will do it here. I would like to try my hand at the MMORPS scene. I've wanted a new game to play for a while. I loved the online play of Diablo II, and I've played Guild Wars. Other than that, I have no MMORPG experience. Now I'm in my mid 30s so I would like a more mature (i.e. non WOW). No bias against the kids, I just don't want to spend a whole game dealing with them. Can any old time gamers give me some advice?
Try Roma Victor
Op: MMO's that are good to start in are Everquest 2 and City of Heroes/Villains. I would also still recommend World of Warcraft, the game really isn't full with kiddies as some would try to make you believe, and there are just as much mature players as children.
I'm an older gamer too and I definately don't want him to waste his time on kiddie games like Everquest, City of Heroes, or WoW. He even mentioned in his post he was NOT looking for WoW.
Learn to comprehend what you read Gameloading; maybe then you wont be so useless.
I'm an older gamer too and I definately don't want him to waste his time on kiddie games like Everquest, City of Heroes, or WoW. He even mentioned in his post he was NOT looking for WoW.
Learn to comprehend what you read Gameloading; maybe then you wont be so useless.
Thats why I said "STILL" with an explenation as to why I think he should still try it,because I read the reason as to why he didn't want to try WoW. maybe you should learn to comprehend, maybe you will post something usefull for once then.Also Everquest, City of Heroes nor WoW are not kiddie games. and even if they are, that is still better then sending a new player to a game like Roma Victor, besides the poor quality of the game, it offers very little instruction for new players, and a low playerbase.
He said he was not interested in WoW and you tell him to play it anyway.
WoW is full of kids.
Further, Gameloading, both the games he mentioned have no monthy fees. Roma Victor also has no monthy fee.
All the games you listed have a monthy fee.
The op did not mention that he didn't want to pay a monthly fee, so what does it even matter? Even if he wants to play a free to play mmorpg, then he's still of poorly with Roma Victor, RV does very little to help new players learn the genre. Even Runescape would be a better choice just for the sake of the tutorial.
Never give up and never surrender!
I totally agree with wow is for kids game or people dont have a real life
warcrack? ever heard of that?
Well, if you are looking for a mmorpg thats out now I would probably say you go with EQ2 or EVE, but its hard to say what you'll enjoy, and neither really provide anything an older gamer would especially enjoy...
If you have any interest in the 17th century, 3d modeling, or sailing then you should check out Pirates of the Burning Sea, taking a look at the PotBS forums (http://www.flyinglab.com/forums/index.php) you'll find the community to be very friendly and inviting. There is so little hostility on the PotBS forums, especially compared to most mmos, and many of those who are interested in PotBS are older. The PotBS forums feel very comfortable, relaxed, and friendly. Hopefully the game will feel this way too; I think it will, excluding some very exciting PvP battles.
you have a very cute signaturePlay as your fav retro characters: cnd-online.net. My site: www.lysle.net. Blog: creatingaworld.blogspot.com.
These are some of the better games out there. Yes there are others and other people may say that other games are better but that becomes more a question of taste than anything else.
Try a few ... even a trial for a few days and see what each has to offer and then decide for yourself ... who knows you find a game that no one even mentioned here, that is right for you.
Another very poor recommendation, indeed. Runescape?
Much can be accomplished in Roma Victor through player interaction - something you may not be used to in your WoW MMOGs.
Our posts pretty much sum up our positions anyway; you enjoy WoW and don't recommend Roma Victor, I don't enjoy WoW and recommend Roma Victor.
Another very poor recommendation, indeed. Runescape?
Much can be accomplished in Roma Victor through player interaction - something you may not be used to in your WoW MMOGs.
Our posts pretty much sum up our positions anyway; you enjoy WoW and don't recommend Roma Victor, I don't enjoy WoW and recommend Roma Victor.
Roma Victor would only scare one away from the mmorpg genre for its low quality, low player base and low playerguiding for a new player. the mmorpg's I mentioned either have a full tutorial or are so simple to understand a tutorial is not even needed.